Chapter 2

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The road, smooth as canvas, wound through wonderful gardens where magical birds fluttered among green branches and bright flowers. The silent, gray-haired old man accompanying Lee Soo led her through a spacious square lined with white slabs and stopped at the foot of the stairs. Wide steps ascended to a large circular dais, adorned with twelve columns decorated with intricate bas-reliefs of winged creatures. The columns rose upward, disappearing behind clouds floating slowly in the sky. At the center of the elevated platform, on the throne, sat the ruler of the Heavenly Kingdom.

After casting a brief glance in his direction, the old man turned to Lee Soo and said, "Child, the Supreme Overlord is before you. Kneel, bow your head, and wait. When you are allowed to speak, do not forget to thank him for his favor. You owe your salvation to our almighty ruler." Having said this, he stepped aside.

The young lady still did not understand what had happened to her or where she had ended up. Nevertheless, she obediently followed the order. Silence enveloped her, punctuated only by the melodious singing of birds. Servants and advisors stood in deep respect before the throne, while guards in shining armor resembled menacing, indifferent statues. From what Lee Soo could discern, the local ruler appeared not only strong and powerful but also formidable and strict.

A considerable amount of time passed, and the young lady grew tired of sitting obediently, contemplating the richly decorated slabs beneath her feet. She ventured a glance at the high platform in front of her. The throne of the Kingdom of Heaven resembled the bleached rhizome of a thousand-year-old tree. To Lee Soo's surprise, a tall, stately young man, not much older than herself, sat on the throne, motionless, as if in a daze.

A robe with wide sleeves was draped over the shoulders of the Lord of Heaven. It was made of fine silk, covering a skillfully woven pattern. Openwork decoration, shimmering with a scattering of rubies, adorned the deity's bare chest. The folds of a wide white skirt covered the legs of the Supreme Overlord, and crystal discs set in gold frames sparkled on the thin straps of his belt. The young man bowed his head, his long black hair falling over his face, concealing his divine features.

"Is he sleeping?" Lee Soo asked, growing bolder as she addressed the old man standing next to her.

"No," he answered tersely.

"He might have a headache," she suggested.

The old man cast a disapproving look at the audacious Earthly Kingdom child who dared to speak without permission.

"Gods don't feel pain," he stated as quietly as he could.

"Wow!" exclaimed Lee Soo, her eyes widening in surprise.

Before she could ask anything else, a huge beast resembling a tiger, with thick silver fur, walked slowly and silently nearby. Moving with the softness of a cat, it circled Lee Soo, brushed her shoulder with its warm side, and then lay down a few steps away, resting its muzzle on its clawed paws. The young lady turned pale with fear, but the old man hastened to calm the frightened Lee Soo.

"Don't be afraid. Haechi is completely harmless. He is not as bloodthirsty as the animals of the earth," he whispered.

"Haechi? A magical creature that can distinguish truth from lies?" Lee Soo's fear transformed into a blend of surprise and admiration. She cast a wary glance at the creature's immense, fanged muzzle. The tiger-like beast yawned lazily, its gaze fixed attentively on her. "Naturally, it's harmless. Who would dare to lie under the watch of such a formidable creature?" she thought, and quickly turned away.

Lee Soo wondered about the duration she might have to wait before the Supreme Overlord would notice and permit the expression of her gratitude for the rescue. To her, the deity seemed indifferent to her being there. Meanwhile, Haechi began to tap the tip of his tail, scrutinizing the rescued girl closely. Under his intense scrutiny, the young lady realized she had no other option but to muster her courage and take the initiative to speak first. She adjusted the jade amulets on her embroidered satin belt and raising her voice to ensure it reached the throne, she exclaimed, "Supreme Overlord, thank you for saving me!"

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