Chapter 11

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The Supreme Overlord and the God of Thunder were strolling through the wide alleys of the Heavenly Garden, deeply engrossed in conversation. The normally loud-voiced birds perched silently in the branches, cautious not to interrupt the celestials. The Thunder Lord's beloved bat circled quietly overhead, staying close to its master.

Their discussion halted as they noticed Lee Soo, hurrying towards them. She quickly adjusted her intricately layered dress and attempted to tie the ribbon at her waist. Her hair, typically arranged in an elegant updo, flowed freely in long waves today, adorned at the temples with hairpins featuring fresh flowers.

"The guest is eager to greet us. Her haste can be overlooked," the Supreme Overlord remarked with a hint of condescension.

As Lee Soo neared the gods, she decelerated but showed no sign of stopping. She offered a polite bow to the Thunder God and gave a friendly wave to the Supreme Deity.

"Lord!" she exclaimed, nearly breezing past them. Wei An, however, extended his hand, halting her advance so abruptly that she nearly bumped her forehead against his outstretched palm.

"What has happened?" Wei An asked with a stern tone.

"Tien Tu said he would wait for me in the meadow, near the bamboo grove," Lee Soo explained, attempting to get around the unexpected obstacle.

Hearing the reason for her rush, a frown creased Wei An's brow.

"Have you studied the dragon genealogy?" the Supreme Overlord inquired.

"There are five hundred pages. How could I have possibly read all of it in one morning?" Lee Soo responded, her expression one of genuine astonishment.

She began to regret her decision to take a shortcut through the Main Alley.

"What about the manuscript on the Dark Kingdoms' monsters?" the Supreme Overlord continued.

"I haven't even opened it yet," admitted the guest of the Heavenly Kingdom, her voice low, realizing her day with Tien Tu might not unfold as hoped.

She cast a glance at the Thunder God, hoping for understanding.

"Return and commence your studies," the Supreme Overlord directed firmly, leaving no room for debate.

"As you command," Lee Soo said, unable to hide her disappointment. She turned and began to walk away slowly.

The Thunder God observed the disheartened young lady.

"Why burden the young lady with knowledge that's beyond human grasp?" he mused, beckoning his bat to perch on his sleeve. "Aren't you being overly harsh with her?"

"Perhaps," Wei An acknowledged.

"Don't you think she should enjoy her transient human life, carefree and joyful?" the Thunder God smiled gently. "It's far more pleasant to see the young lady's cheerful face."

"I believe it does matter what exactly makes miss Lee Soo happy," the Supreme Overlord expressed his opinion.

After a while, Wei An bid farewell to the God of Thunder and made his way to the guest house, intending to see how Lee Soo was managing her challenging task.

Arriving at the threshold, he paused, noting the absence of the usual greeting from the servants. Walking through the silent rooms and into the garden, he finally spotted the young lady and her maids. They were engrossed in a game, attempting to toss wooden rings onto pegs fixed into the ground. The game was so engaging that they failed to notice the Supreme Overlord's arrival. Even Kooi, while not playing, watched with keen interest.

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