Chapter 9

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Lee Soo stood hesitantly at the door leading to the chambers of the Heavenly Lord, shifting nervously from foot to foot, unsure about entering. To calm her unrest, the young lady contemplated reciting a prayer but questioned whom to seek guidance from when surrounded by gods. Eventually, her irrepressible curiosity outweighed her doubts and fears.

"It's not typically appropriate for young ladies to enter the private chambers of young men, but Wei An is a celestial being, so there's nothing to worry about," Lee Soo reassured herself, lightly patting her cheeks to give them a hint of colour. "I can handle this. The important thing is that the deity remembers to get dressed."

She adjusted the white ribbons on her soft lilac dress and signaled to the guards. The doors opened silently. At first, the brightness of the chambers momentarily blinded her. It took a few seconds before she could see the Supreme Overlord sitting cross-legged on the floor, staring out a large round window at the Sun.

"Come in and be brave," Wei An said without turning his head. "You already know what to do; you can begin."

The young lady looked around. Initially, it seemed to her that the huge room, awash in golden light, was empty. Only after a while did she notice the luxurious decorations that appeared as if out of nowhere. She found a comb on one of the tables, approached the Supreme Overlord, and began to carefully sort through the deity's long, silk-smooth hair. Combing through it strand by strand, she soon started to act with increased confidence.

Wei An resembled a living statue. Throughout the young lady's meticulous work, he remained motionless and silent.

After tying Wei An's hair into a bun and securing it with a hairpin adorned with a golden crane, Lee Soo gazed at her handiwork with pride.

"Bring my gold necklace," Wei An ordered, pointing to a carved box on a stand near the window.

The young lady opened the lid of the box and was momentarily stunned by its breathtaking beauty. The openwork decoration of the necklace, resembling a golden web, was embedded with rubies that flashed and dimmed like fireflies entangled in the branches of an August garden.

Although she already knew that many things in the Heavenly Kingdom seemed much lighter than on Earth, Lee Soo was still surprised by the weightlessness of the jewelry when she took it in her hands.

"Incredible!" Lee Soo exclaimed in admiration.

"This is the sign of the Supreme Deity," Wei An said with respect. "It's only twenty thousand years old, but it's priceless. The masters incorporated the petrified blood of the first dragon into it." He looked carefully at the young lady. "I hope that someday you will be fortunate enough to witness dragons soaring in the heights - the most amazing and beautiful creatures of the Heavenly World."

"I have seen drawings of dragons in the imperial library. They are depicted with long, snake-like bodies, short legs, horns, bulging huge eyes, and a long beard," Lee Soo remarked, eager to show off her knowledge.

"Snake-like bodies? Beards?" Wei An chuckled. "Truly, people are tireless inventors, drawing things they have never seen."

Finding no retort, the young lady quickly fastened the jewelry around the Supreme Overlord's neck. She then returned to the table to pick up a round bronze mirror.

"Take a look. Do you like it?" Lee Soo asked, bringing the mirror close to Wei An's face. However, instead of admiring his own reflection, Wei An turned his gaze to Lee Soo. Unexpectedly, he touched her lips with his finger, exploring their softness. Startled, Lee Soo recoiled.

"What are you doing?!" she exclaimed, her voice a mix of alarm and bewilderment.

"I don't understand. Your lips are soft and pleasant to the touch, but there is nothing particularly special about such touches," Wei An mused, gracefully rising from the floor. Confused and flustered, Lee Soo backed away, covering her mouth. Wei An followed her leisurely as she retreated towards the exit.

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