Chapter 12

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Lee Soo sat in her room, leafing through the notes about the structure of the Five Worlds with evident reluctance. The birdsong ringing outside her window, the cheerful chatter of maids busy cleaning, and the scent of freshly baked cakes wafting in from the kitchen did little to help her focus on her reading.

"...The Star Gate connects the spaces of the main elements with the Phantom Worlds. The Heavenly Kingdom rises above the Earthly Kingdom, which, in turn, is shaped like a ball," Lee Soo read, but soon her patience wore thin, and she tossed the book aside in frustration. "What nonsense! Does Wei An think this is a joke? Everyone knows the Earth is flat and rests on a giant turtle," she exclaimed.

She stood up abruptly, intending to call the maids for a game of hide and seek or perhaps a turn on the swings. But just then, a mouse darted out from under the bed. Lee Soo let out a surprised scream, but upon remembering that only birds were supposed to inhabit the Heavenly Kingdom, she inspected the nimble creature more closely.

"Tien Tu!" she exclaimed in recognition, realizing the God of Shadows must be nearby.

The mouse scampered around the room and then slipped through the open doors leading to the garden. Quickly, Lee Soo draped an elegant, transparent organza shawl, embroidered with tiny ginkgo leaves, over her shoulders, glanced briefly at the mirror, and hurried after the elusive messenger.

The God of Shadows was waiting near the gazebo, looking somewhat bored as he idly rolled a large red apple in his hands.

"I thought I'd have to wait until evening. Doesn't the Supreme One know that too much studying can ruin the complexion of young girls?" Tien Tu teased as he leaned in to inspect the young lady's cheeks. "Did he really intend to send you to the Phantom Worlds so soon?"

Though the young god tried to maintain a serious demeanor, mischievous sparks danced in his eyes.

"The Supreme Overlord is kind to me and wants me to..." Lee Soo began, but Tien Tu interrupted her.

With a sly squint, he brought the apple to Lee Soo's lips. "Do you want to try?"

As the young lady trustingly reached for the fruit, the crafty god suddenly pulled his hand away. Lee Soo barely managed to keep her balance, awkwardly grabbing onto Tien Tu's gray silk clothing to avoid falling into his arms. The God of Shadows gently held her shoulders, but didn't hurry to release her. The weightless shawl imperceptibly slipped off Lee Soo's shoulder and fell onto the grass.

"I share your eagerness to taste this fruit's sweetness, but let's wait a bit longer. It hasn't ripened yet," Tien Tu whispered conspiratorially, leaning in close and lightly brushing her pink ear with his lips.

Lee Soo sensed that Tien Tu wasn't really talking about the apple. She didn't have a chance to inquire further, as laughter from the maids inside the house, followed by Kooi's stern call, interrupted them. Tien Tu glanced back towards the voices. After ensuring they were still alone, he pulled Lee Soo closer and embraced her tightly.

The cozy garden, overflowing with flowers, vanished in an instant, and the next moment Lee Soo found herself standing on a small ledge amidst the rocks. Stone blocks with smooth edges, as though they had been cut with a knife, were piled around the site. Far below, a sun-drenched green valley stretched out, bisected by the silvery ribbon of a deep river.

"Where are we?" Lee Soo asked, looking around in confusion as she gently freed herself from the embrace of the God of Shadows.

"In my father's domain. It may not be as luxurious as the Supreme Overlord's gardens, but here, we won't be found or disturbed," Tien Tu replied nonchalantly, taking the surprised young lady by the hand and leading her along a narrow path.

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