Chapter 4

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Several days passed, and Lee Soo gradually got used to her new life. Each day, she delved deeper into the wonders and mysteries of the Heavenly Kingdom. While walking through the Palace Garden, she conversed with Kooi and asked about life in this divine realm.

"Tell me about the celestials. How many gods are there in total?" the young lady paused to observe tiny birds, no larger than a little finger, gathering nectar from weigela flowers.

"My lady, each of the Five Kingdoms has its own gods. Those in the Heavenly Kingdom are noble, striving for perfection, and they value harmony and beauty above all. The Water Kingdom is governed by the goddess Wang Sunyi, who is the most influential and powerful after the Supreme Ruler. Her realm is vast, with countless subjects. Demon Lords are not worth attention. Extremely rude and ignorant. And the gods of the Earth, I dare say, do not have much wisdom. Among them, only the goddess Ding Shi, unmatched in beauty and intelligence, is close to our master and frequently visits him."

"So, Wei An has a lady of his heart?!" Lee Soo exclaimed, eager to hear more. "Tell me! I love romantic stories."

Kooi stepped closer to the lady, ready to share the details, but seeing the senior adviser approach, she quickly bowed in greeting.

The nobleman approached the guest. "Young lady Lee Soo, the Supreme Overlord invites you to enjoy the work of Master Odo," he said sedately.

Numerous spectators had gathered in the square located at the foot of the stairs leading to the throne of the Heavenly Kingdom. The advisor ushered the young lady to a low bench, prepared especially for her, situated near the Supreme Overlord. Wei An was engaged in a conversation with one of the courtiers. The young lady paused a few steps from the throne, intending to thank the Supreme Deity for the kind invitation.

Today, Wei An was dressed in light clothes made of several layers of the finest silk. An intricate pattern featuring unfamiliar symbols adorned the edges of the sleeves. The deity's hair was pulled back and held with a gold hairpin showing a crane with a jade ball in its beak.

Lee Soo observed that when the Supreme Overlord touched his fingers to the armrest, golden sparks glided across the smooth wooden surface. As he knocked harder, the sparks cascaded in a wave. Some of them shot towards the young lady's feet, causing her to quickly step aside. Wei An was aware of the guest's presence yet continued his conversation with the adviser. Only after their discussion concluded did he finally turn his gaze towards the guest.

"Watching Master Odo, the Lord of the Clouds, create his masterpieces is an incomparable pleasure. I think you'll enjoy it," Wei An said after the greeting.

Soon, a short, plump man in wide white robes stepped onto the platform. The crowd welcomed him with great enthusiasm. The young lady, covering her face with a fan, smiled secretly. To her, the Lord of the Clouds appeared to be made of circles: rosy cheeks, a smooth chin, a bald head shining in the sunlight, and small hands with short fingers. Master Odo took a huge brush, dipped it in water, and with a high jump, hovered in the air. The audience burst into applause.

"The Lord of the Clouds waved his brush and hovered over the platform with remarkable ease. Almost every movement he made was met with delighted exclamations from the audience.

"Amazing skill, isn't it?" Wei An remarked, turning his attention to the young lady.

"What is he doing?" Lee Soo.

"Don't you see?" The Supreme Overlord asked, surprised. 'He's drawing my portrait."

The young lady squinted and tilted her head, trying to see something.

"Master Yui used to live on my father's estate. On sunny days, he would draw with water on stone slabs, and we would always manage to read his writings before they dried up," Lee Soo said, still peering into the transparent air.

"I always thought people looked up to the sky to admire Master Odo's works," Wei An stated dryly.

"That is often the case," the guest quickly agreed, not wanting to disappoint the proud deity. She began to alternately close one eye and then the other, in hopes of catching anything.

The Supreme Overlord observed the guest's peculiar behavior.

"You are so unreasonable and helpless that I can't think of a suitable activity for you," he remarked, a hint of regret in his voice. "What has the young lady been taught?"

Lee Soo turned towards the Supreme Overlord.

"Singing, dancing, calligraphy, writing poetry, embroidery, playing the guzheng...," she listed, counting off on her fingers.

"Guzheng? Did people appreciate my gift?" Wei An asked with interest.

The guest, unsure of what she was being asked, looked questioningly at the deity.

"It was impossible to listen to the creaking, roaring, grinding sounds that people called music. I had to give them one of the divine instruments," Wei An explained before turning to the servants. "Bring the guzheng. Miss Lee Soo will demonstrate her skills."

"Here? Now?" the young lady asked, confused.

"Why not? We can listen to music and watch the clouds. Isn't that wonderful?"

Seeing the instrument placed before her, Lee Soo rubbed her palms uncertainly.

"Play in front of the Supreme Deity?"

She recalled the first time she played for the emperor, how his eyes had shone with admiration. Lee Soo sighed. Memories flooded back, tinged with sadness. The brighter the fire of love burns, the more its smoke corrodes the eyes, when ruthless people intervene and extinguish the flame abruptly. The girl's fingers brushed away an uninvited tear from her cheek, then touched the strings. The young lady played, reminiscing about her former life on Earth...

As soon as the last notes faded, Wei An nodded approvingly.

"Not bad. I believe people praised your ability to play the guzheng," he said, approvingly. "But if you were thinking about your lover, then you shouldn't move too sharply from joy to disappointment."

"How do you know what I was thinking about? Have you read my mind?" Lee Soo immediately became wary.

"No. Reading your thoughts is exhausting. They lack harmony. They jump like monkeys," the Supreme Overlord said, looking at the young lady doubtfully. "How can you think about so many things at once?"

At a loss for words, Lee Soo pouted resentfully and remained silent.

"Move over," the Supreme Overlord gestured, indicating the edge of the bench.

He sat down next to the young lady, oblivious to the offense clearly visible in her eyes. As soon as Wei An touched the strings of the magical instrument, a light, enchanting melody flowed forth, captivating the minds of the audience. Everything around was enveloped in peace and serenity.

Lee Soo found herself unexpectedly calmed, releasing the grievances from her heart. She reminisced about a similar peace she had felt long ago, when a cool spring wind carried the echo of bells from a distant mountain temple. She was six, or maybe seven years old at the time, or perhaps...

The young lady did not realize she had closed her eyes, her head slowly bowed on the shoulder of the Supreme Overlord. Wei An stopped playing.

"What's happening to her? Why did the young lady fall asleep?" he inquired, turning to the adviser standing closest to them.

"Night now rules in the human world," the courtier signaled to the servants to take away the sleeping girl.

"Leave her. She doesn't bother me," the Supreme Overlord addressed the servants, then continued playing.

An unusually quiet night had fallen on Earth. The moon silently played hide-and-seek with the stars, hiding among the slowly drifting clouds. Babies slept peacefully in their cradles, the guards undisturbed by robbers or bandits, the rich dreamed of gold, and the peasants of a bountiful harvest. Only a few couples in love could see Master Odo's creation in the sky: a young man playing the guzheng and a girl resting her head on his shoulder.

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