Chapter 13

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"There is nothing wrong with friendly communication, so there's no reason to forbid Tien Tu and me from seeing each other. Yes, that's what I'll tell him," the young lady thought as she stood at the doors leading to the Supreme Overlord's chambers, searching for words to justify herself.

After her disagreement with Wei An the previous day, she was reluctant to confront the stern deity again but felt compelled not to defy his command.

Lee Soo might have continued to hesitate, fussing over the non-existent creases in her airy pink dress or adjusting her perfectly tied golden ribbons, had it not been for the sudden appearance of Haechi in the palace arcade. Despite assurances from everyone in the Heavenly Kingdom about the huge beast's harmlessness, Lee Soo always felt a chill from its intense, amber-yellow, cat-like gaze, which seemed to peer into her soul. Moreover, Haechi's claws and fangs reminded her of the ferocious tigers in the imperial menagerie. So, when the creature began moving towards her, all of Lee Soo's doubts and thoughts evaporated. She swiftly entered the Supreme Deity's chambers and sighed in relief as the heavy doors closed behind her.

However, her sense of ease at having avoided Haechi was short-lived. The unusual stillness that pervaded the rooms made Lee Soo uneasy. There were no sounds of servants, nor the melodies of the magic bamboo flutes that usually delighted the Supreme Deity in the mornings. She noticed that the curtains separating the bedroom from the rest of the chambers were open. Contrary to his usual early rising, Wei An was still seated on the bed. Instead of being lost in thought as was his habit, he watched intently as the young lady hastily entered.

Lee Soo attempted to avert her gaze from the bed, which seemed so vast it could easily provide comfort and sleep to a dozen people. However, the diamond eyes of the Heavenly Dragons depicted at the headboard were so captivating that they seized her attention, despite her efforts to not appear overly curious.

Eventually, Lee Soo composed herself and ceased admiring the bedroom's decor. She bowed politely in greeting to the Supreme Overlord, who responded with an indifferent nod, wordlessly.

With no servants in sight, Lee Soo realized she needed to act independently to approach the Lord for her duties and swiftly depart from the palace.

Wei An silently observed the young lady's plight. Lee Soo, still unable to find a suitable solution, picked up a comb from the table, took off her shoes, and clambered across the bed. She struggled with the voluminous skirts of her attire, the snow-white sheets, and the bolster pillows. Almost at her goal, the young lady was thwarted when the Supreme Overlord moved to the edge of the bed. Slightly annoyed, Lee Soo blew a strand of hair from her face, pursed her lips, and continued her pursuit with determination. When Lee Soo finally reached Wei An, he shifted again, but this time she was quick to act. She skillfully grabbed his shoulder.

"Sit still and don't move," Lee Soo commanded, ignoring the angry look. She pulled out a comb from her belt with the skill of an experienced warrior drawing a dagger. However, she soon discovered that combing the disgruntled, reluctant deity was no easy task.

"Be careful! People can be so clumsy," Wei An exclaimed when Lee Soo accidentally tugged at his hair. He turned sharply and grasped the girl's hand. The Supreme Overlord's face was so close that Lee Soo instinctively turned her head away.
"Please keep your divine face away from me," she requested, struggling unsuccessfully to free her wrist. But Wei An appeared not to hear her plea.
"I've found out what to do with the lips of earthly beauties," Wei An whispered, slowly leaning closer to the young lady.

"Is he joking? He wouldn't really..." As Lee Soo realized escape was futile, she tightly closed her eyes, only to feel a light touch of a man's lips moments later.

"Is this how people do it?" Wei An inquired.

Opening her eyes, Lee Soo saw his mischievous grin. The Supreme Overlord was clearly amused by the situation.

"Not at all like that!" the young lady retorted, pushing the insolent deity away. "You don't understand anything about feelings. A real kiss fills the soul with joy, a warm wave flows through the body. You feel light and almost weightless, as if filled with air."

"And that's all?" Wei An asked, wiping his mouth theatrically. "What happens next?"

Lee Soo, trying to reassure herself of his lack of human emotions, feigned indifference. "I'm not entirely sure. A man and a woman share a bed, and other things..." Despite her efforts, she blushed at the thought.

"Other things?" Wei An chuckled. "Do they start creating new people? The Teacher once showed "coming to life" pictures. Couples move absurdly, moan, sweat," he said with a grimace of contempt, quickly getting out of bed. "By the way, how do you know so much about air, joy, and goosebumps? Have you had a lover? You loved the emperor?"

Lee Soo's expression turned serious. "The Emperor? No, don't think so. His attention flattered me, but..." She paused, then added with a wry smile, "There was a young warrior. I once dreamed of being his wife."

"Another one? It seems the hearts of earthly maidens are as changeable as mountain stream waters."

"Pure and beautiful?" Lee Soo brightened.

"Changeable and fickle," Wei An corrected.

"People are not like that. They know how to love selflessly, to sacrifice, to give," Lee Soo asserted passionately, pulling up a sock that had slipped down.

"And also to put innocent girls in leaky boats and send them down the Great River," Wei An remarked, watching her jump off the bed and search for her shoes. "Do you want me to destroy all those who wronged you?" he suddenly offered, standing beside Lee Soo.

She looked up at him and paused, "No need. Please spare their brief lives," Lee Soo quickly regained her composure.
Before she could say anything more, Lee Soo found herself pressed against the pillows. This time, the kiss was far from a timid touch.
"It seems this way is better," remarked the Supreme Overlord, observing the young lady's face. She closed her eyes, breathing excitedly, fists clenching the thin fabric of her dress at her chest. "Your lips are indeed softer than petals," Wei An mused. Leaning towards her ear, he whispered each word deliberately: "Don't you dare fall in love with me."
His words chilled Lee Soo like a sudden, freezing rain. She recoiled from the unfeeling deity and sprang up from the bed. 

"Why does everyone keep telling me the same thing?" she exclaimed, more wounded by Wei An's indifferent tone than his words.

"Everyone in the Five Worlds knows I am incapable of experiencing tender feelings," Wei An replied nonchalantly, seemingly unaware of what might have upset his guest.
"But why did you dare..." Lee Soo started, but her sentence was cut off. "Why has the color changed?"
Distracted from her anger about the kiss, she looked in bewilderment at her dress, which had inexplicably changed to a soft turquoise.

"I don't like pink," Wei An said, his lips curling into a faint smile.

"It was peach, not pink," Lee Soo retorted, fists balled in a threatening gesture.
"I see no difference," the Supreme Overlord chuckled as he majestically strode toward the exit.
A pillow hurled in his direction missed and struck the door frame instead.

Haechi, passing near the Supreme Overlord's chambers, paused, alerted by the unusual noise. He barely sidestepped as the doors burst open, and Wei An emerged quickly, followed by the Heavenly Kingdom's irate guest.
The ancient quiet of the palace was disrupted by the commotion, the sound of stomping feet, Lee Soo's indignant cries, and the Supreme Deity's amused laughter.

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