Chapter 8

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Over the next few days, Lee Soo did everything she could to avoid the Supreme Overlord. She either stayed indoors or walked in the most secluded parts of the Heavenly Garden.

While wandering along a narrow path through dark bamboo thickets, Lee Soo discovered a hidden clearing. Ensuring she was alone, the young lady placed her umbrella on the ground, removed her shoes and white socks, and cautiously stepped onto the lawn. The soft grass tenderly caressed her feet, and a gentle breeze kissed her cheeks. The young lady laughed, spread her arms wide, ran, and relished the feeling of freedom.

A voice suddenly rang out in the distance, "How are you, beauty?"

Lee Soo stopped abruptly.

"How are you, beauty?" the greeting echoed through the bamboo grove.

Close by, she heard it again: "How are you, beauty?"

Finally, Lee Soo spotted Tien Tu standing in the shade of cherry trees. The God of Shadows leaned against the trunk, arms crossed over his chest, watching her intently. Lee Soo smiled, not concealing her joy at the meeting, and quickly approached her new friend.

"Why does the guest of the Heavenly Kingdom wander alone?" Tien Tu asked with genuine interest.

"People sometimes seek solitude to reflect or to experience their sadness," Lee Soo replied, avoiding mentioning the actual reason for her seclusion.

"It's not apparent that sadness brought you here," Tien Tu laughed, noticing Lee Soo looking away in embarrassment. "Did your time with the venerable Wei An tire you that much? Indeed, the prudence and seriousness of the Supreme Overlord could make anyone feel gloomy. I'd recommend spending as little time with him as possible."

"Why?" the young lady asked, surprised.

"There are far more interesting things," Tien Tu replied, his gaze casually drifting over the young lady's tender neck. "Would you like to play a game?"

"Certainly!" Lee Soo responded with delight.

The Lord of Shadows sat on the grass, gesturing for Lee Soo to join him.

"Watch this," he said, waving his hand. A shadow flowed from Tien Tu's palm, transforming into a tiny bunny. The creature twitched its ears and nibbled on a thin green stem.

"How cute! It's just like a real bunny," young lady exclaimed in admiration and clapped her hands.

Another shadow flickered in the tall grass, turning into a fox. It sensed its prey and began to chase the bunny.

"Will it catch up?" Lee Soo's delight turned to anxious. Instinctively, she grabbed onto Tien Tu's sleeve. With a snap of his fingers, the god changed the scene: the tiny bunny turning into a lark and soared into the clouds, while the fox, leaping high, became a eagle owl. The owl hooted ominously as it flew over Lee Soo's head, disappearing into the grove. Moments later, a black panther emerged from the trees. The predator bared its fangs, poised to pounce. Frightened, the young lady took refuge behind Tien Tu. The god waved his hand subtly, and the panther's shadow dispersed into a swarm of buzzing beetles. Tien Tu caught one and placed it on Lee Soo's bare foot.

"It tickles," Lee Soo giggled, watching the clumsy beetle climb her ankle.

The silence of the summer day was pierced by the trills of grasshoppers. Cherry petals floated through the air. The young pair, oblivious to their surroundings, focused on the beetle as it clumsily moved its legs, climbing higher and higher. It passed the hem of Lee Soo's dress, almost getting caught in the silk tassels of the amulets on her belt, and then slowly made its way up her chest. Tien Tu and Lee Soo leaned in, their foreheads nearly touching. As the God of Shadows extended his hand to remove the beetle, Lee Soo felt a blush spreading across her cheeks.

"You smell so sweet," Tien Tu whispered. "It's irresistible..."

He closed the distance, his face drawing near to Lee Soo's. But, before they could share a quiet moment, a loud and displeased voice interrupted.

"What are you doing here?" The Supreme Overlord stood nearby, his disapproval evident in his stern tone.

Caught off guard, the young lady immediately recoiled from Tien Tu, startled by the unexpected interruption.

"You scared me!" Lee Soo gasped, holding her breath for a moment in surprise. "We were just observing the shadows and..."

"I wasn't asking you, human," Wei An interjected, focusing his attention not on Lee Soo but on the grinning God of Shadows.

"Ding Shi sent me to present a delicacy to you, Supreme," Tien Tu explained, producing a silver vase and lifting the lid. "She mixed ice crystals, mountain goat milk, honey... But it appears to have melted."

Wei An's frown deepened as he observed the mischievous smile on Tien Tu's face.

"Express my thanks to your sister. And you..." The Supreme Overlord then shifted his gaze to Lee Soo. "Come with me."

Wei An walked so quickly that Lee Soo struggled to keep pace. To make matters worse, she had left her shoes in the clearing, leading her to quietly groan and sigh periodically. The garden paths, lined with round, smooth stones, proved too harsh for the guest's tender feet, making every step a challenge for her.

"How dare you?! Creating confusion among the gods again? It seems people were incredibly wise to decide on marrying you off so swiftly!" The Supreme Overlord glanced back at the mischievous guest causing so much bother. "You need more education. Your knowledge of the world is embarrassingly limited. Moreover, you're too trusting and naive."

"Tien Tu and I were just playing. He was entertaining me," Lee Soo explained in her defense.

"It's my fault. I should have cautioned the guest. Earth gods sometimes behave too freely with maidens from the human world," Wei An said instructively.

"But... isn't Tien Tu a deity of the Heavenly World?"

"Long ago, an unremarkable Earth god won the favor of the beautiful Atani, the goddess of the Sun. Their son, Tien Tu, is allowed to be wherever he wishes," the Supreme Overlord clarified.

"Ahh," Lee Soo exclaimed, her surprise evident.

She found it hard to believe that the cheerful young man she had befriended was actually the son of the solar goddess, whom people revered far more than other celestials.

Wei An finally noticed Lee Soo's bare feet. He extended his hand, and her shoes materialized in his palm. Kneeling to assist her, the Supreme Overlord watched as Lee Soo, balancing on one leg, nearly lost her balance and clutched his shoulders. Wei An looked up at her with a thoughtful expression.

"Why don't you come to the palace anymore? I was waiting," he said, a hint of resentment in his voice.

"Me?" Lee Soo couldn't believe what she was hearing. "How dare I interrupt the Supreme Overlord with trivial matters?"

Seeing the embarrassment on Lee Soo's face, Wei An stood and, stepping back a bit, declared firmly, "I command you: every morning, you are to come to the chambers of the Heavenly Palace to comb my hair. This is now your duty."

Lee Soo couldn't hide her indignation at the order.

"I think lizards are happy in their own way," she said proudly, lifting her chin and gazing towards the clouds.

"The young lady dares to disagree with me?" Wei An asked in a mild tone.

"I'm not accustomed to waking up before sunrise," Lee Soo retorted, still looking at Master Odo's sky art.

"We'll fix this. I will order the goddess of the morning Dawn, to grace us with her presence a little earlier,"  Wei An declared, having made a decision.

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