Chapter 14

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Haechi was enjoying an afternoon nap on one of the palace terraces, basking in the gentle sun rays and stretched out on a soft carpet. The animal snored quietly, its ears twitching and nose wrinkling occasionally. Its peaceful slumber was undisturbed until the enchanting sounds of a jade flute reached its sensitive ears.

Opening its eyes, Haechi listened intently, recognizing the Supreme Overlord's playing. Stretching contentedly and arching its back, the beast yawned and headed towards the tea room, hoping to continue its nap to the backdrop of the wonderful music. Moving softly, Haechi entered the hall quietly but was surprised to find Wei An not alone. The guest from the human world, sat among the pillows, her cheeks resting on her palms, absorbed in the deity's performance. Haechi sighed in disappointment and left, knowing that the presence of the young lady meant the end of tranquility.

"...Never!" Lee Soo exclaimed, placing her porcelain cup on the table with such force that the tea nearly spilled.

"The holiday of the First Sacrifice is sacred in the Dark Kingdoms. I must attend," the Supreme Overlord stated calmly, inhaling the aroma of his freshly brewed tea.

"And I'll stay here," the guest declared defiantly, her lips pursed stubbornly.

"You will accompany me. This is an order," Wei An stated, trying to ignore the young lady's strong objections.

"I don't want," Lee Soo persisted.

"Today," Wei An added calmly.

"Oh Gods!" Lee Soo exclaimed.

"What gods are you calling upon?" the Supreme Overlord asked, momentarily losing his composure.

"Any. Just not one as cruel as you," she retorted.

"Are you calling me cruel? Leaving you alone is like leaving sweets unattended. Last time, the God of Shadows dared not only to to take you from the Heavenly Kingdom but also..." Wei An stopped abruptly and quickly brought the cup to his lips.

For a while, the room was enveloped in silence. Finally, Lee Soo, unable to bear it any longer, broke the quiet. "The book about the Dark Kingdoms claims that monsters seize every opportunity to harm humans, and demons yearn to drink the blood of young girls, or worse..." Her voice quivered.

"What's worse?" the Supreme Overlord inquired, puzzled. "You've been reading tales of ancient monsters. The Dark Kingdoms are different now. The Demon Lord has reformed, restraining his destructive urges. Demons, despite their nature, are now at peace," he explained patiently.

Yet, Wei An's words and gentle tone failed to soothe Lee Soo. She hung her head, sobbing softly.

"I'm really very scared," she confessed, nervously fiddling with the edge of her sleeve.

Wei An, taken aback by her genuine tears, stood and sat down opposite her. "You have nothing to fear. I assure you, I will protect you. I govern the Five Realms; surely, I can safeguard one person," he said, reaching out to wipe her tears, then hesitated, unsure of how to comfort her.

Suddenly, a sarcastic voice interrupted. "You need to tie the young lady to yourself with a rope to prevent demons from snatching her right under the Supreme's watch."

Both Wei An and Lee Soo turned to see Tien Tu leaning against a marble column, observing them.

"What is the God of Shadows doing here?" Wei An asked coldly, rising to his feet.

"Supreme, you know I never announce my visits," Tien Tu said, his mischievous grin unwavering. He turned to Lee Soo. "Sweetheart, agree to go to the Dark Kingdoms. I am also going there."

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