Chapter 17

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The last purple hues of the evening twilight melted away, dissolving into the blackness of the night like fragments of colored ice. The Supreme Overlord appeared at the guest house late in the evening, just as the twilight gave way to night.

Lee Soo, delighted by the unexpected visit, ran out to greet Wei An.

"Lord, it's wonderful that you're here! I have a surprise for you," she exclaimed cheerfully, but her excitement faded as she realized the Supreme Overlord had come at such a late hour for a reason.

Wei An glanced at the young lady, dressed in a light dress, and then turned to Kooi.

"Prepare miss for a walk," he instructed briefly.

The young maids, gathered at the door of the room, fell silent in the presence of the Supreme Overlord, though their curious glances were hard to conceal.

"I'll wait for the young lady in the garden," Wei An added with restraint and headed towards the exit.

As soon as the Supreme Overlord stepped outside, a flurry of activity erupted in the house. The maids buzzed around Lee Soo, selecting an outfit suitable for a nighttime outing. From the open windows, bursts of approval, exclamations, and muffled laughter echoed intermittently.

It took quite some time before the young lady finally stepped out onto the terrace. A maid hurried after her, handing her a silk shawl that had been forgotten in the rush, and then quickly retreated inside. Alone, Lee Soo looked around. Seeing Wei An standing nearby, she took a few hesitant steps into the darkness, yet lingered on the terrace.

"Why should I go out at night?" the young lady inquired, a hint of apprehension in her voice, her palm resting on the railing.

"You have a lesson today," Wei An replied, standing opposite her and looking up.

"What kind of lesson occurs at such a late hour?" Lee Soo whispered.

"About the starry sky," Wei An whispered back.

"We can see the sky from the window," Lee Soo voiced her doubts. Lately, she had been more cautious and careful.

"Tonight, the Winter Dreams flowers have bloomed in the meadow. They are best admired under the light of the stars. Don't you want to take a look?" Wei An extended his hand to her. Even in the darkness, Lee Soo could see the tenderness in his smile.

"Of course, I want to!" Lee Soo cast aside all her doubts.

The endless meadow of Dreams was entirely dotted with white balls of flowers, glowing softly in the darkness and casting slender, needle-like rays in every direction. At first glance, Lee Soo felt as if the night sky lay beneath her feet, making it hard to discern between the real stars and the Winter Dreams flowers. Enchanted by the scene, she began to twirl, a whirlwind of shimmering petals engulfing her figure and transforming her clothes into a shining, magical outfit.

"Lord, look, I look like a cloud fairy!" she exclaimed joyfully, admiring her transformed dress.

Wei An gazed into Lee Soo's eyes, alight with delight, and began to think out loud. "Cloud fairies are light and charming, like children's dreams. Anyone can admire their beauty, but nobody cannot touch them, feel the warmth and tenderness of their skin..." He trailed off, suddenly silent as if he had revealed too much. "A person can never compare with cloud fairies," he added, more restrained.

Every girl longs to hear praise. Lee Soo should have been upset by the Supreme Overlord's response, but she didn't dwell on it. Wei An was right. She was only human.

She extended her palms, trying to catch the nearby petals, but they were suddenly swept up by a gust of wind and vanished. It took a moment for Lee Soo to realize that Wei An had playfully orchestrated this.

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