Chapter 6

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The summer twilight was enveloped in solemn silence. Thousands of paper lanterns floated in the clear, still air, casting a soft glow over the Sacred Lake shimmering in the darkness. As Lee Soo approached the festival site, she noticed many light clouds hovering near the ground, forming seats for the spectators. The young lady felt an immediate urge to touch the snow-white cloud, but the dignified and majestic procession of the Supreme Overlord's retinue made her hesitant to disrupt the seriousness of the moment.

Wei An greeted the guests, paying due attention to each. The young lady who followed him amused herself by trying to guess the kingdoms of those gathered at the celebration. Soon, Lee Soo realized that the gods from the Heavenly Kingdom were distinguished not only by their light clothes woven from weightless silk but also by their calm, slightly distant, and arrogant looks. The inhabitants of the Water Kingdom had bewitching blue eyes. The gods of the Earth were indistinguishable from ordinary people, while the demons, dressed in dark clothes, had two black dots on their foreheads. Additionally, the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Darkness cast such intense and meaningful glances at the curious girl that she decided, just in case, to stay close to the Supreme Overlord. Among the guests were also quite strange creatures that Lee Soo had only heard of in fairy tales.

She was so engrossed in observing the guests that she nearly stepped on someone's tail. Her gaze followed the sharp spikes of the bone ridge and halted at the creature's head, crowned with two horns. This unknown monster appeared at least twice the size of Lee Soo. As it turned its fanged muzzle towards her, she heard a bubbling sound similar to water boiling in a cauldron. The menacing glare from its small, evil eyes was threatening. The creature growled deep in its throat. Startled, Lee Soo backed away and bumped into the Lord of the Heavenly Kingdom. Wei An had to sidestep to avoid his clumsy companion, but Lee Soo, in her fear, pressed herself against him, clutching his sleeve. Realizing what was happening, the Supreme Overlord turned to the monster and spoke in a language Lee Soo couldn't understand. The monster growled back briefly, bowed to the young lady, and moved aside. What did he say?" Lee Soo asked the Supreme Overlord as soon as she was at a safe distance from the horned creature.

"Jami thanked you for the treat."

"A treat?"

"He's from a family of evil spirits who feed on human fears," Wei An explained, trying to maintain a serious look while observing the young lady's confused face.

The incident with the monster immediately slipped from Lee Soo's mind when she noticed a tall, stately woman approaching. The goddess's luxurious dress, adorned with white lotuses, appeared magical. With each step, the flowers on the dark blue fabric seemed to sway and glide smoothly across the satin, as if alive. Lee Soo was captivated by the illusion of embroidered multi-colored fish swimming along the hem and found herself mesmerized by the enchanting pattern.

"How glad I am to see you, my dear boy!" Approaching the Supreme Overlord , the goddess crossed her palms in a greeting bow and lowered her head so much that Lee Soo could admire the beauty of both the silver combs, of unusually fine workmanship, and the strands of selected sea pearls.

Wei An responded to the bow with great respect.

"Auntie Wang Sunyi, I'm happy to see you!"

Lee Soo blinked several times as fish seemed to swim along the wide sleeves of the Lady of Water's dress.

The goddess then turned her attention to the young lady.

"A mortal? Is that the girl you saved?" she asked Wei An, shaking her head with regret. "It's a pity I can't do anything. Weak earthly beings die too quickly, long before they reach the borders of my kingdom." Wang Sunyi stepped closer to the guest and, without ceremony, took Lee Soo by the chin to examine her face. "Cute," she commented, releasing Lee Soo and then turned back to the Supreme Overlord. "Walk with me and share the latest news from the Heavenly Kingdom. I heard that at the feast of the Lord of the Northern Winds, the immortal maiden Magu turned rice into pearls..." Leaning on Wei An's arm, Wang Sunyi began to walk with him towards the hill rising above the lake.

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