April 10th 1912

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The TARDIS console room

"Morning Doctor" Phoebe Said

"Morning Phoebe I was thinking we got to April 10th 1912 the day the Titanic set off from Southampton" The Doctor said

"Wait didn't the Titanic sink when it hit a Iceberg" Phoebe said

"Yes I did but I have always wanted to see it so what do you say" The Doctor said

"To go to a time we're 1'500 people died well it seem intriguing is there a reason why you want to go there" Phoebe said

"Well I know it fixed point in time and I'm going to change anything if that what your worried about I just want to see if o can save more people plus they a new skill I want the TARDIS to try and do" The Doctor said

"And what would that be" Phoebe asked

"Well I have adjusted the forcefield so it works underneath anything and I hope it can keep the Titanic level in order to save more people" The Doctor said

"I knew it you always want to something when you fix anything out of curiosity how could you keep the Titanic level with the forcefield" Phoebe said

"Well with the current setting an hour maybe an hour and half at a push" The Doctor said

"Okay let's do it on one condition" Phoebe said

"What's that" The Doctor asked

"We do undercover we wear our wetsuits underneath our clothes on April 14th we Park the TARDIS in the Cargo hold with the floats on" Phoebe said

"Okay deal April 10th 1912 here we come" The Doctor said

The Doctor and Phoebe landed the TARDIS in the first Cargo hold Phoebe when to the TARDIS wardrobe and put on a long purple dress to make her look like a first class passenger.

The Doctor reached for his psychic paper it of the paper.

"So what are we today Doctor" Phoebe asked

"Well according to this we are Mr John Smith first class businessman and Miss Phoebe Smith daughter of John Smith" The Doctor said

"Ah could be worse I suppose we could've been in third class or go to bed the servant on the ship, which to be fair I actually wouldn't of minded I mean I would like to be a ship medic Psychic paper had even said that" Phoebe said

"Well according to this you are my daughter, but you are also a world-renowned medic" The Doctor said

The Doctor showed his Psychic paper to the crew and they let them on.

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