April 13th 1912

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April 13th had arrived The Doctor and Phoebe both knew what happened tomorrow this ship tomorrow night will hit an Iceberg and the ship will sink this ship will break off at the Keel.

"Morning Doctor it a shame this boat goes into the Atlantic Ocean tomorrow night" Phoebe said

"Yes I know this was the only trip it did and it never made it to New York Phoebe tomorrow the TARDIS will be at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean once the forcefield breaks I want is to hold to the stern for about 2 and half mile then we are go to swim the rest of way" The Doctor said

"Your not serious swim all the way down to the sea bed" Phoebe asked

"Well not all the way down just 5 Miles the TARDIS will meet us there then we can people out of the water" The Doctor said

"Oh thank god I thought you were going to make us swim all the way to the sea bed" Phoebe said

"Well once we are in the TARDIS we can check out the full damage the best part about it is we can expand our forcefield for underwater I change it so we can walk around in the water without getting wet" The Doctor said

"Miss Smith Mr Smith i have come to bring to lunch at my Andrews request" The Steward said

"Ooh we are being treated like royalty i like that" Phoebe said

Phoebe got changed into this purple dress that she got from the TARDIS last night the TARDIS was still in the Cargo hold but the Doctor would soon be moving it.

"Good morning Mr Andrews" Phoebe said

"Morning Doctor Morning Phoebe" Mr Andrews said

"So Mr Andrews would like to talk me through the idea for a ship this size" The Doctor said

"Yes of course"Mr Andrews

Mr Andrews talked the Doctor through how he made his idea a reality.

"I must say Doctor your daughter is well brought up" Mr Ismay said

"I tried my best to bring her up after my wife died" The Doctor said

"Phoebe what are you going to do when you get to New York" Mrs Brown asked

"Well I'm going to university my mum said I need to find a suitable husband but I want to be doctor" Phoebe said

"What a wonderful ambition" Molly said

"Sorry I couldn't make dinner last night I was unwell" Phoebe said

"That okay a bit of rest never anyone any harm" Mr Andrews said

Mr Andrews showed the rest of the boat and where the lifeboats were.

"Mr Andrews I did. the sum in my head and add the amount of people on this ship which is 2,000 I can't help but wonder they not enough lifeboats for everyone" Phoebe said

"You miss nothing do you Phoebe"Mr Andrews said

"My daughter can't help but noticed things she gets that from me" The Doctor said

"How old was your daughter when her mother passed away" Mr Andrews asked

"5 years old I never remarried" The Doctor said

"That young"Mr Andrews said

"But we managed didn't we Phoebe"The Doctor said

"Yes we did Phoebe we managed just fine" The Doctor said

That afternoon The Doctor and enjoyed what would be there last but of fun before tomorrow evening when the ship would hit the Iceberg.

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