Holding on

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William , Murdoch shot himself when he shot two people the Doctor and let this happen as the bow of the ship was sinking further The Doctor and Phoebe were climbing the stern little did Phoebe know the Doctor had upgraded her boots.

"Come on Phoebe over the rail" The Doctor said

They both claimed over the rail this was now turning into a full workout for them on they way the were sonicing the falls of the lifeboats as they was no time.

The Doctor held Phoebe's tight they were finding it hard to continue climbing.

"Phoebe tapped you boots twice on the floor I add an antigravity feature" The Doctor said

Phoebe tapped her boots twice in the ground a suddenly she had a better grip as the ship was stern was rising.

"Wow Antigravity boots cool it making it easy to walk up" Phoebe said

"Yes I figured because we do a lot this that they made come in handy you can turn the antigravity off with the button on the side" The Doctor said

"Well there this is turning into a workout climbing over rails" Phoebe said

"Yep come on jump I got you" The Doctor said

The Doctor and Phoebe jumped The musicians played until the end they saw people jumping straight into the water they just hoped they got to the TARDIS to save the people in the water then again they were both pretty good swimmers.

The Doctor and Phoebe were now at the back of ship holding on for dear life it was normal for them this was basically there hold MO holding on they had held onto ladders rooftop, spaceships you name and they have held onto them.

"Doctor have you noticed we spend most of lives holding on to things everywhere we go we seem to hold on for dear life" Phoebe said

"Yes I know I have noticed that it's what we do all the time I got hold of you so you don't fall here's the plan we hold on to the rails for two and half miles we them swim to the TARDIS" The Doctor said

"Yes Doctor" Phoebe said

The stern was raising out of the water it was getting higher the lights had gone out and now the ship was breaking up.

"We have to move" The Doctor said

The climb to the outside of the rail while Phoebe was still holding on the other side.

"Give me your hand I pull you over I got I won't let go" The Doctor said

"I know I turn my boots off it will be a little difficult now" Phoebe said

The Doctor pulled Phoebe over the other side of the rails then held her tight as the stern broke off it when back level how it was bobbing in the water.

A few minutes later the stern was now sinking in the water.

"Doctor what's happening" Phoebe asked

"The ship is going to suck us down take a deep breath when I say we are to swim all the way to the TARDIS do not let go of my hand" The Doctor said

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