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Phoebe had boiled a big pot of hot chocolate for everyone Phoebe pour 700 cups of hot chocolate.

Console room

"Here we go everyone get this down you it will warm you up it's my own recipe" Phoebe said

Everyone grab a cup of Phoebe's hot chocolate Phoebe May have put in a pepper up potion completely safe for humans.

"This is delicious" Mrs Brown said

"Thank you it's something I made a while back oh and btw the everyone i put a drop for pepper up potion to warm you it perfectly safe in fact all my potions are perfectly safe" Phoebe said

"Everyone I have put our heating to full blast" The Doctor said

"Wait hang on in confused if you had this ship why didn't you just get everyone off" Mr Ismay asked

"Okay here's the thing theoretically we could've done but we are from the future and before our homeworld was destroyed I should probably mention this we are aliens here's the thing there are something that are fixed points in time like the sinking of the Titanic with fixed deaths and other are in flux anything can happen but those tidy moments we can't do anything about well in this case we have made tiny changes, but that's about it" Phoebe said

"I tell you one thing this is an unsinkable ship" The Doctor said

The Doctor and Phoebe tide all 20 lifeboats to the outside of the TARDIS.

"If you guys like o don't know we get you to New York we can send a message to the Carpathia and tell them a rescue ship as come" Phoebe said

"Seriously you can get use to New York" Molly asked

"Yes if you guys want it either that or wait for Carpathia" The Doctor said

"Or I don't know we could drop them on the Carpathia" Phoebe said

"Yes or that" The Doctor said

"Or option 3 we all wait out in here were its warm" Phoebe said

"Okay Option 3 it is" The Doctor said

Both The Doctor and Phoebe knew this was wrong but it seems unfair to let people freeze.

"Mrs Madeleine Astor if you come with me to the med bay I can check on the baby if you want" Phoebe said

"That would be great thank you" Madeleine said

Madeleine follow Phoebe to the medical bay and Phoebe sat her down on bed 3 and hooked her up.

"Okay your vitals look good so does baby's I like to do a quick ultrasound"Phoebe said

"Okay whatever you think is best" Madeleine said

"Okay ultrasound looks good no abnormalities or anything I also took you bloods earlier your iron was a little low but nothing that concerns me I suggest you eat more food with iron in them to get your iron up your blood pressure was a little higher than I like but I putting that to stress of the titanic sinking follow up with your regular physician" Phoebe said

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