White Star Line

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When the Doctor and Phoebe got back they both wrote the very extensive report on the sinking of the Titanic it was 300 pages long completed with pictures and recommendations for the Britannic and Olympia those recommendations stated that both the Britannic and Olympia had to have 68 lifeboats

White Star Line Company

The Doctor and Phoebe landed the TARDIS in the White Star Line Company and head straight to the CEO office.

"John Pierport Morgan" The Doctor said

"Yes can I help you" John said

"Yes this is about the sinking of one of your ship the Titanic" Phoebe said

"Yes a full scale investigation is underway to understand how this happened" John said

"No need we have written a 300 page report containing pictures accounts from the survivors even Bruce Ismay himself they is a list of all survivors and the people who died on April 15th and we our recommendations we recommended you have 68 lifeboats on your ships" Phoebe said

"Wow okay thank you I will take a look and consider your recommendations" John said

"No you will do what our recommendations say I don't if you miss heard us those recommendations aren't for guidance it's a you do situation and if you don't it you will have us to answer to have i made myself clear" The Doctor said

"Who Are you?" John asked

"I'm The Doctor and this is my daughter Phoebe we are the private investigators asked to look into the sinking of the Titanic" The Doctor said

"And if those recommendations are not meant we will close your company is that clear all your ships need to have 68 lifeboats we will back in two weeks to check" Phoebe said

"Yes Ma'am I get right on these" John said

Two weeks later

The Doctor and Phoebe were back to check there recommendations had been done the other recommendations stated this:

68 lifeboats to be on deck in case of emergency
All gates to every exit unlocked not to locked under any circumstances
All doors that are bolted unlocked permanently
No guns for any stewards or officers are to be used under any circumstances
Watertight doors need to go higher then E Deck

"Doctor Phoebe thanks to your very extensive report I have followed all your recommendations come i will show you so we now have 68 lifeboats on deck" John said

"I'm glad what about the gates" The Doctor said

"All gates we have now are unlocked look I will show you and as you see all doors are unbolted" John said

"Okay well that good what about the guns we did say no guns" Phoebe said

"Yes we jumped right on that no steward or ship officers are allowed to carry guns or weapons and also our new watertight doors goes to B deck" John said

"Well thank you for following our recommendations" Phoebe said

"Look your chairman Bruce Ismay is a coward he made a coward retreat I say get rid of him" The Doctor said

"Well we should go we got one last to do before we leave" Phoebe said

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