The afternoon before the sinking

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The Doctor parked the TARDIS in a more reliable parking space which was across the stern of the ship. It wouldn't stay there like permanently, but The Doctor, figured that if you park the TARDIS near the start of the ship, then when the ship actually be going to the sink that evening, he would be able to quickly get it on the water, and hopefully hold the ship level long enough.

The Doctor and Phoebe cabin

The Doctor was looking over the blueprints of the ship he had somehow mange to convince Mr Andrews to give him a copy of the blueprints.

"What you doing Doctor" Phoebe asked

"Looking over the blueprints of the Titanic" The Doctor said

"How did you get a copy of the blueprints I though Mr Andrews had the only copy" Phoebe asked

"Well I asked him if I could have a look at them and he gave me a spare copy and told me to keep it" The Doctor said

"You know full well this will just end up in the TARDIS attic at some point I mean we hardly use anything up there anymore our attic is just storage now" Phoebe said

"Yeah I know but what else do we use it for I mean we have all the space in the world and the attic is for things we don't use anymore" The Doctor said

"Fair point I leave you to it I have to get ready for what happens tonight" Phoebe said

"Actually Phoebe I want you to unlock all gates any exits that people will be able to escape" The Doctor said

"On it I will use my sonic screwdriver" Phoebe said

"Good I want the locks damaged so the stewards can't get they keys in" The Doctor said

"Okay I will setting 30 to melted locks" Phoebe said

"Yes that the one" The Doctor said

Phoebe set about looking for all the exits and melting the locks in order to help people escape later on.

The Doctor and Phoebe they could make small changes not major that would affect the original timeline they both knew messing with a fixed point in time was wrong.

Within two hours Phoebe had melted all locks she gave them a quick zap with the sonic once back at the cabin it was almost dusk it was time for the last dinner anyone would have on the ship.

First class Dinning room
Phoebe was wearing a beautiful blue silk dress it was hiding her wetsuit pretty well The Doctor was wearing his blue suit.

The Doctor had moved the TARDIS from the stern of the ship to the bow of the ship in order to get ready for what was to come he had of course turn it invisible so no one saw it.

"Doctor wait you did turn the TARDIS invisible it just because I know who are the lookouts tonight it's Fredrick Fleet who survives he died 10 January 1965 well he commit suicide he served in both world wars and the other lookout is called Reginald Robinson Lee he died 6 August 1913 a year the Titanic sank he was 43 at the time he died from Pneumonia complications" Phoebe said

"Yes and thanks for that information"The Doctor said

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