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With The TARDIS completely recovered the Doctor and Phoebe decided to take a look at the iceberg to see how much damage the iceberg did.

It seems there was red paint from the titanic on the iceberg. The Doctor and Phoebe took the TARDIS to have a look of the iceberg.

"Doctor look red paint looks like it was an 11cm hold by the look of the mark" Phoebe said

"Yeah we need to take a picture of that for the report the iceberg by the looks of it also got a beating" The Doctor said

"Already taken it it's seems when the ship hit the iceberg I did a lot more damage to the iceberg then the iceberg did to the ship I looks like to me this was quite a sharp iceberg to" Phoebe said

"Yeah it looks like I would love to know how a iceberg was able to cut metal I think we should look at the wreckage" The Doctor said

"We are not swimming down there are we?" Phoebe asked

"No of course we take the TARDIS landed her near the wreckage expanded the forcefield so we can walk around" The Doctor said

"Okay good and this time The TARDIS will only protecting us" Phoebe said

"We need more details for the report The White Star company will lauch and invagination we will just given the our report and tell them they need a maximum of 68 lifeboats on there other two ships" The Doctor said

"You mean the Britannic and the Olympia" Phoebe asked

"Yes that what I mean" The Doctor said

"Wait didn't the Britannic sink in world war 1" Phoebe asked

"Yes it did the Olympia has a successful career of 24 years before being sold for scrap in 1935" The Doctor said

Phoebe had transfer her patients to one of New York best hospitals and she send her medics home she no longer needed them.

The Doctor and Phoebe walked back into the TARDIS and when to go see the wreckage. The Doctor expanded a 3 mile airfield and forcefield so they could walk around.

"Look Doctor 11cm hold which matches the red paint mark on the iceberg" Phoebe said

"Yes your on to something that cause a lot of damage I would like to walk around and assess the damage" The Doctor said

The Doctor and Phoebe walked around and saw how much damage had been done it was lucky the TARDIS was helping them see Phoebe took pictures so she could put them in her report.

"Whew it seems the iceberg did punch holds in the starboard it pulled the rivets and it open up the metal" Phoebe said

"Yes I believe you are right come on let's get back to the TARDIS and right up that report" The Doctor said

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