Starting to fail

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As the Doctor and Phoebe continue to help get people into the boats the TARDIS forcefield was now at 155% which means they only 45 minutes extra time.

To set a good example Phoebe and The Doctor had put they lifebelts on that would take them off before swimming to the TARDIS later on that just wanted to set a good example.

"Everyone up out you lifebelts on please it Captain orders also dress warmly it quite cold out tonight if you don't have a coat I have a thermal blankets" Phoebe said

"Hello anyone in here you need to put your lifebelts on"the Doctor said

"Mr Andrews you have 45 minutes before our forcefield start failing it's now at 155% it still holding level" Phoebe said

"Okay thank you look the TARDIS can't hold her level forever so the water pressure will be too much for her and the TARDIS forcefield will fail leading to this ship starting to sink" Phoebe said

"TARDIS?" Mr Andrews asked

"Time And Relative Dimension In Space look i would love to discuss this with you any other time, but this is an emergency" Phoebe said

Phoebe was right. Of course, the TARDIS couldn't hold the pressure forever. As the water was rising, it was making the ship heavier and heavier. So far. Thanks for the forcefield. I hadn't made it past boiler room six, but the water pressure was gonna get heavy and the TARDIS couldn't hold it for much longer.

Phoebe was still handing out her thermal blankets she made them herself they were the warmest things it seem right if you going to waiting four hours in a boat for the rescue ship Carpathia to come along.

"Mistress forcefield holding at 130%"K9 said

"Is it in the green or yellow zone K9" Phoebe said

"Yellow Mistress" K9 said

"Phoebe soon I want you to hold my hand and keep holding it do not let go" The Doctor said

"Yes dad" Phoebe said

Phoebe had given out all her blankets she now just had the Doctor's long brown coat on.

"Mistress forcefield holding at 110%" K9 said

"Thank you K9" Phoebe said

"Okay we a still in the yellow we have 30 minutes before the forcefield breaks" The Doctor said

"Well she doing two jobs keeping the TARDIS and keeping the Titanic level she not meant to do that" Phoebe said

The forcefield was trying to also protect the TARDIS as well as keeping the ship level so the TARDIS would only have a enough power to protect itself.

The Day The Titanic sank Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant