Eye of Orion

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The TARDIS landed on the Eye of Orion it was a beautiful place the Doctor and Phoebe often came here it was a peaceful place and perfect for a rest nothing could go wrong here.

After a crazy few weeks this is actually what they needed 4 days on the titanic helping people get off using the TARDIS forcefield to hold the ship level for an hour and half swimming 3,831 miles to reach the TARDIS filing reports for the White Star Line Company to make sure they change things delivering letter to the wives the husbands left.

Moving the TARDIS from the bow of the ship to the stern to underneath the ship to keep it level to checking out the wreckage to recovering items and luggage to rowing the TARDIS to get people out of the water to pulling corpses out of the water she done more flying in the last few weeks then she had done in her life.

"Phoebe we have landed" The Doctor said

"Just coming my medic left the med bay it a mess a least we have a few weeks on the eye of Orion for me to clean this mess up" The Doctor said

"Oh Phoebe get the camping table and chairs will you you know the once we used on Deka Loka" The Doctor Said

"Oh yes i know the once I'm on it" Phoebe said

It took Phoebe 20 minutes to tidy up the Med bay to make the beds and put everything away.she then got the camping table and chairs out of the storage, they haven't been used in a long time.

"Here you go Dad on table and chairs if I'm not mistaken, didn't this table used to have four chairs" Phoebe said

"Yeah it did that the other two got destroyed when we were on the Titanic because I used the other two chairs as floatation devices for people in the water" The Doctor said

"Okay that's nice okay what else do we need" Phoebe asked

"Oh Phoebe dear can you get the camping stove and unplug K9 from console he was repairing the forcefield" The Doctor said

"Yes of course Doctor" Phoebe said

Phoebe unplugged K9 from the console and he joined the Doctor outside Phoebe when to get the camping stove.

Phoebe and The Doctor picked Phoebe's Son Ringo from boarding school along with her daughter Amy Martha Leela and Rose because they travel a lot Phoebe had them in an intergalactic boarding school and when they were on the Eye of Orion or on a Hoilday the kids would join them.

The Doctor loved being a grandparent to his grandkids he loved them.

"Kids get out here it lovely and sunny" Phoebe said

"Coming Mum" Rose said

"Amy leave your sister's toys alone"The Doctor said

"Mummy can we go swimming" Martha asked

"Yes but only in the TARDIS swimming pool if you want to go swimming here I suppose the Doctor can take you" Phoebe said

"Can we grandfather" Amy asked

"Yes come on then coming Ringo" The Doctor asked

"Actually Grandfather I stay her with mum" Ringo said

"You don't need to I have K9" Phoebe said

Ringo was now the same Phoebe was when she had him she has him at 15 he was now in high school.
A few weeks later.

It had been a few weeks on the eye of Orion the kids had gone back to school so the Doctor and Phoebe decided to stay another week or two with it being just the two of them and K9.

"Doctor what are you planning to do with those seven lifeboats we have from the Titanic" Phoebe asked

"Well I thinking of refurbishing them and making them into beds and what not" The Doctor said

The Doctor and Phoebe spend the new two weeks on the Eye of Orion then the Doctor and Phoebe with K9 when back travelling after a well needed hoilday.

The End

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