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June 28th, 2023

Carson's POV:

I had been up since 7 am preparing everything for Sadie's 19th birthday. I had set up decorations while I let the cake bake. I knew Sadie wanted one of those popular heart cakes, so I made it for her. It was iced and in the fridge, waiting for us to eat it. 

Right now I was working on breakfast, wanting to make all of her favorites. Waffles, fruit salad, hash browns, and bacon. Waiting for the pancakes to finish cooking, I'm cutting up the different fruits to go in the fruit salad.

Arms wrap around me from behind and I feel someone bury their face into my shoulder. 

"Come back to bed. Pleaseee" he whines. 

"Jack, its your sister's aka my best friends birthday. Im making her breakfast" I tell him. "You've been up for two hours already. Thats enough time" he continues pouting. 

I decide to ignore him and continue cutting up the fruit, placing it in the bowl and mixing everything around. 

I take the pancakes off the grill and plate them, trying to move towards the table to set everything up. 

"Jack. Please let go of me" I tell him, turning around in his arms. 

I immediately regret doing that because the instant he sees the front of me he smashes his lips onto mine. 

Forgetting what I'm doing for a second, I let my hands slide up to his hair. As his hands travel farther down my body I'm brought back into reality. 

I put a hand on his chest and disconnect our lips. He still holds on to my waist but from a distance know. "Come on Carson. You're done cooking" he whines. 

"Jack right now is about Sadie. I promise we can hangout later together" I tell him, trying to pry his hands from me.

"But I want to hangout know" he groans. 

"Jack Rowden Hughes if you do not let go of me right now to go celebrate Sadie's birthday, last night was the last time you'll ever get me anywhere close to your bed" I tell him sternly. 

He quickly straightens up and offers to move the food to the table while I go wake up Sadie. 

Giving him a kiss on the cheek, I run up the stairs and tiptoe into her room. Getting close to the bed, I prepare myself to jump on top of her. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SADIE!!" I scream, jumping up and down on her bed. 

"Ugh, Carson, please" she groans, covering her face with a pillow. 

Not taking no for an answer, I grab the pillow from her grasp and fling it across the room. I latch onto her wrist and drag her out of bed. 

"I'm going to get the boys. You might want to fix yourself before Alex see's you" I slyly say, giving my eyebrows a little wiggle. 

Her cheeks turn pink and she runs into the bathroom, slamming the door. 

Leaving the room, I start pounding on the other boys rooms, screaming to get up. Trevor, Alex, and Quinn all come out willingly but Luke hasn't acknowledged my presence at his door yet. 

"Come on Lu-" is all I'm able to get out before I'm thrown over his shoulder. 

He barrels down the stairs with me screaming and hitting him to let me down. Jack seeing the sight stands up and storms over to Luke demanding that I be put down.

"You're gonna hurt her Luke. Put her down. Now!" he angrily yells.

Putting me down next to Jack, Luke adjusts his shirt before speaking: "Sorry Rowdy. I know you just made her your girlfriend but you are whipped."

That pushes Jack even further where he takes an aggressive step towards Luke. Inserting myself in-between the two I tell them to calm down and go sit in their spots ready to sing happy birthday. 

Hearing Sadie descend the stairs we start singing happy birthday to her. Getting up I give her the biggest hug possible. 

"We can do whatever you want today Sade's. And everyone will participate". 


Sadie's POV:

"Ok mine is the last one and the best one!" Carson says, shoving her present into my hands. 

So far I had gotten two pairs of shoes I wanted from Jack, Quinn, and Luke. Trevor got me some flowers and a gift card to Dunkin. Alex was acting weird and told me he unfortunately forgot it was my birthday this week. And now I was opening Carsons.

Ripping open the paper, two things are inside. A customized phone case with a bunch of photos from this year. Theres two of her and me. One with each of my brothers. A funny photo with Trevor and Alex. And in the middle is a photo of me with all three of my brothers plus Carson. 

Moving onto the second gift, its in a velvety jewelry box. Opening it I am met with a beautiful small gold heart locket. Inside is two photo's of Carson and I. One from move in day and one from this summer. 

Putting it on, I get up and move towards Carson, tackling her in a bear hug. "Thank you so much CW. I love you" I tell her. 

"Of course Sade's. I love you too" she replies back. 

It was pretty late by the time I finished opening presents. Jack and Carson bid their goodnights, shortly after followed by Quinn, Luke, and Trevor. 

It was just Alex and I now just sitting in silence until I spoke up. "I think I'm gonna go upstairs too" I tell him.

"Oh ok. Goodnight Sadie" he says. 

Standing up and walking up the stairs I make it to my room and twist the handle when I feel a hand on my wrist. "Wait Sadie" Alex whispers. 

Slowly turning around I tilt my head up and tilt it to the side to look at him.

"I- I didn't forget it was your birthday this weekend" he says, fingers not leaving my wrist. "I just couldn't think of a good enough present for you besides this."

"Besides what Alex?" I ask getting a little annoyed. 

He hesitates for a second before dropping his head to my level and capturing my lips with his. Unprepared I don't react right away but slowly regain awareness and kiss him back. 

He reaches behind me and twists the doorknob, pushing me inside the room and swinging the door shut. 

I grasp at the bottom of his t-shirt and pull it over his head as he leads my back to my bed. 

Quickly both of us get naked and are ready to go when he stops.

"Sade's I don't want you to think that this is a one time thing for your birthday. I've dreamt about this since I met you" he breathes out. 

"Please Alex, I wouldn't have let it stop after just tonight" I giggle dragging his head closer to mine. 

"Well then, Happy Birthday Sadie" he says before going down on me. Holy shit, best birthday ever I think to myself. 

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