
813 10 0

June 30th, 2023

Jack's POV:

Wiping my sweaty hands on my pants, I pick up the flowers and head for Carson's door. Before I can even knock, its swung open, a smiling Carson behind it. 

"Hey, you uh- you look, wow" I stutter, amazed at how wonderful she looks. She's wearing one of her little summer dresses. This one a cute lilac color. 

"Really? You don't think it's too much or something?" she hesitantly asks, smoothing it down her body. 

"No definitely not. You're never over the top" I say, running my eyes up and down her multiple times. "Thanks for the flowers!" she says, grabbing them from my hand and heading downstairs. 

I follow behind her like a lost puppy into the kitchen. I watch her grab a vase, fill it with water, and arrange the flowers nicely in it. "These can replace the ones Lukey bought me!" she says, smile wide. 

"But these ones are a bit more special if I say so" I say, hoping to get more appreciation than my brother.

"Of course Jackie. They're from my boyfriend!" she giggle screams. 

"Exactly. Ok, let's go. We don't want to be late" I say, grabbing her hand a dragging her towards the door. 

We walk out and I open the passenger door for her, helping her into the vehicle. Walking over the the driver's side, I can already hear the music she's chosen blasting from the speakers. 

Sliding in, I start the car, and lazily drape my hand over her bare thigh that is now more noticeable from her dress riding up. "So where are we going?" she asks me.

Giving her thigh a light squeeze I tell her its a surprise and start driving us there. 


Carson's POV:

Jack had his hand pretty high up on my thigh as we drove back to the house but thankfully he didn't try any moves. I didn't want tonight to be like that, just a date. 

"Thank you so much for tonight. I had a lot of fun" I tell him, turning my head to face him. "I'm glad you did." he says, glancing over quickly and then refocusing his eyes on the road. 

Pulling into the driveway Jack gets out and quickly comes over to my side before I can open my door, pulling it open for me instead. Stepping out he closes the door behind me and stands in front of me, my back leaning against the car. 

"We should do this again Carson" he says, resting his hands on my hips. "I would like that, Jack" I tell him, wrapping my hands around the back of his neck. 

He leans in, pushing me to rest on the car, and kisses me, slower than usual. I pull the back of his head impossibly closer to me, lacing my fingers through the hair at the bottom of his head. 

His hands are roaming my lower body, switching from my hips to my ass and back. I open my mouth for him to have better access and a low groan escapes his mouth.

He starts moving his hands lower when I put a hand on his chest and slightly push him away. 

"Not tonight Jack" I tell him with a smile. "Why not?" he asks.

"Because everyone is here. They'll hear us" I say likes it obvious. 

"So what? I want everyone to hear you scream my name" he says, nipping at my lower lip. Giving him one last kiss, I move away from him, and towards the door, earning myself a playful smack to the ass. 

"Another time when they aren't all here Rowdy" I say before disappearing through the front door. 

Jack's POV:

Groaning, I reluctantly follow after her. The things she does to me. I'm fine with not having sex with her right now. 

I just want to fall asleep next to her. I've never wanted to do that with someone before, but she was different. 

So begrudgingly, I nod a goodnight to those still left on the couch and follow her up the stairs to my bedroom. I undress into my boxers and then go lie in bed waiting for her. 

She comes out of the bathroom still in her dress but she probably just did her face stuff and her hair is up, but she still looks so gorgeous.

She looks even better when she takes her dress off and slides into one of my NJ Devils t-shirts. She slides in next to me, resting her head on my chest and placing a small kiss where her mouth meets my skin.

"Goodnight Jacky!" she sleepily says. "Goodnight Carson." I whisper back, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her into my chest. 

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