
797 8 4

July 7th, 2023

Carson's POV:

It has been two days since Jack yelled at me in the basement. Two days since I told him he never gets to talk to me like that. And two days since I've spoken to him.

I've solely stuck with Sadie the past two days, trying to put as much distant between the two of us as possible. 

I ignored him in any conversation or room, I wouldn't sit next to him, and most importantly I was back sleeping in mine and Sadie's shared room. 

At first everyone tried to get me to talk about what happened, but only Jack and Quinn fully know. I gave Sadie most of the details but not all of them. 

I can tell Jack is beside himself with how he acted. He looks like he got hit by a bus that then dragged him for half a mile. To say I don't feel sorry would be wrong, because I do, but he needs to learn he can't do that. 

The past two days I haven't given myself a moment alone, constantly with someone else so that Jack can't approach me. 

Which is why right now, I'm slightly suspicious of where everyone went. I know Jack is home upstairs in his bed, but it seems like everyone else has disappeared. 



hey where'd you guys go?? 


we all left so you couldn't hide behind us anymore


what?! I wasn't doing that, please come back 


not until you talk to him. I know he's in the wrong, but he's beating himself up over it


I'm not talking first, he has to realize he's in the wrong


fine but you have to listen to him when he does


yeah fine, then you guys come back


yes then we'll come back, and we can go get lunch

Groaning, I'm just about to throw my phone to the opposite side of the couch when I get another message. 



hi can we please talk?


I'm willing to listen to what you have to say


yes! please, thank you


should I come upstairs


yeah sure. I'm in my bedroom

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