
697 13 4

August 17th, 2023

Carson's POV:

Today was the day. Sadie and mine's stuff was all packed up waiting inside the cars. The boys were driving back to their parents house and Sadie and I were going straight to school. 

Our flight was at 1pm which is why the boys were going to drive us there now. Trevor and Alex had left last night, having some things in California they needed to do today.

Piling into the car, Quinn and Sadie take the front while Jack, Luke and I squish into the back. I rest my head on Jack's shoulder for the 45 minute car ride that is ahead of us. No one really speaks on the way, the only noise coming from the music playing in the car. 

Quinn pulls up along the curb by our terminal and shuts the car off. Everyone piles out and the three boys help us with our bags. Hugs are exchanged next, me going to Luke and Quinn first before finishing with Jack. 

"I'm gonna miss you Jacky" I tell him while I wrap my arms around his torso. "I'll miss you to C" he says back, giving my middle a light squeeze.

"Come and visit me, please?" I ask, looking up to meet his eyes.

"I'll buy you a plane ticket whenever you wanna see me. Just gotta text me" he says with a smile. Nodding I lean up and kiss him, not letting it last too long since we were in front of our friends. 

Sadie and I grab our luggage and head in through the doors, only Sadie turning around to wave again. 

We clear security and just go and sit at our gate, waiting for 15 minutes till our boarding time starts.

"I'm gonna miss them C" Sadie tells me with a sigh. "I know Sade's" I say, not knowing what else to say.

"I feel like they all know what they're doing with their lives and it makes me feel left out that they have that specific bond with each other" she openly says. 

"What? Sade's you have such a special connect with each of them" I tell her, slightly shocked from this new information.

"Really? It feels like I get left out" she says not believing me.

"Trust me Sadie they don't want hockey to be your mutual ground with them as well" I assure her with a smile. She nods her head and her spirits slightly lift. Thankfully our plane's doors are open so we can board the flight.


Carson's POV:

The plane had just landed so I turned my phone back on and a bunch of messages from Jack popped up.

Jacky ❣️

Jacky ❣️

text me when you land pls 

have you landed yet?

how much longer? 

I miss you baby 

I'm buying you the mfing wifi next time you fly


just landed Jack

and I don't need the wifi. the flight was only two hours

you are so dramatic

but I miss you too!

Jacky ❣️

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