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October 17th, 2023

Carson's POV:

Thankfully the few weeks leading up to the Columbus game went by quickly, Sadie and I both being extremely busy with classes and school work. 

Apparently though I was like 15 times more busy than Sadie because she was able to plan an outfit and everything. Me not thinking that far ahead had nothing planned. 

Which is why I am running around trying to find things to wear. My hair I kept simple, curling it lightly. I had decided on black leather pants so I pulled those on before taking my pj shirt off and pulling on a black tank top as my base layer.

"SADIE! What am I gonna do?! I can't show up to a game without a jersey!" I frantically scream, ripping apart both of our closets.

Sadie was wearing the only jersey she had brought to college and it was neither of her brothers, not wanting to favor one over the other. 

"C I don't know. I'm sure you'll be fine" she says while watching me run around like a chicken with my head cut off.  "Maybe the guys across the hall have one they'll let me borrow" I think, beelining for the door. 

Yanking the door open and running across the hall, I continuously pound my fist against the door until they open up. "Hey Carson, what's up?" the boy I think named James asks.

"Do either of you guys have a hockey jersey I could borrow?" I ask, putting puppy dog eyes on full display. 

"Uhh yeah let me look" he responds, leaving his door open and walking to his closet. After a bit of digging he pulls out a Blue Jackets jersey with the number 4 on it.

"Here you can have this. It's all we've got" he says, handing the jersey to me. "Oh my god thank you so much!" I scream giving him a quick hug before running back over to my dorm.

I slide the jersey over my head, fix my hair, apply my perfume, and check myself over once more. "Alright I'm ready to go" I tell Sadie walking out and grabbing my phone and wallet.

"Jack's not gonna like that C" she says staring at the back of my jersey. "He's just gonna have to understand that I didn't plan ahead and had nothing else to wear" I say with a shrug before continuing out the door.

Sadie had already called our uber so we hopped in and made our way to the arena. 

As we are getting out of the car, I get a notification that Jack sent me the tickets. Grabbing Sadies hand I lead her inside through security and to the number gates that the ticket says.

"Your brother is unbelievable" I say as I currently sit two inches away from the ice. "Yeah he never does stuff like this really" Sadie says, sitting down next to me.

We talk until the players come out then wave at Jack and Luke when they come over. We can't really talk to them so they start warming up.

Starting line-ups are announced and the game starts. 


Carson's POV:

The devils pulled off the win and Jack played so good. He had a goal and two assists. 

Standing up and filing out of our row, Sadie says Jack got us access to wait in the hallway by their locker room. 

Getting to the door, Sadie shows the security guard the passes and he lets us through to a hallway. 

We stand and chat for a good 15 minutes before players start walking out. I notice Luke's curly hair before I can see him. 

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