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I sauntered through the bustling corridors of the college, a smirk playing on my lips. Thanks to my amicable relationship with the admin office staff, I had gathered intel about Elle - her majors, her locker number, etcetera etcetera.

I leaned against the neighboring locker and waited for her to arrive. She had no idea what was coming. As she approached, I couldn't help but admire her nonchalant attitude. She was refreshing, unlike any other girls I had been with before. This was a level of effort I had never invested in any girls before.

"Hi!" I greeted, leaning against the locker behind hers with a grin. "Did you know you're the reason I had to pay a visit to the admin office?"

Elle's gaze met mine, and for a moment, I detected a flicker of surprise. "Really? I'm flattered."

I chuckled. "I, now, happen to know you're majoring in business, and your locker code is 13531, quite a combination, don't you think?"

Her response was a raised eyebrow, accompanied by a sarcastic grin. "Impressive detective work. But what makes you think I care about that."

I shrugged, maintain my cool. "Maybe I just wanted to get to know you better."

Her eyes narrowed, and she retorted. "Save your efforts for someone who is interested, Cameron." The challenge only fueled my determination. Her response was sharper than I had anticipated, but I was enjoying it. This was different, Elle was different.

Before I could continue speaking to her, a wave of dizziness swept over me. I steadied myself against the locker, hoping she hadn't noticed. My heart raced, and a cold sweat broke out on my forehead. Why was this happening, again? "Are you okay, Cameron?" She observed me closely, concern replacing the sarcasm in her voice. I forced a casual smile, dismissing her concern. "Just tired. Late-night practice, you know."

Elle skeptically lingered as she raised an eyebrow and I started to made my way out of the building, but I struggled to maintain my composure. The dizziness persisted, and I felt like I was walking on unsteady ground. I couldn't let Elle see me like this, not now.

"Cameron, you don't seem fine to me." She said in a gentle tone.

My legs felt like rubber, incapable of supporting me any longer. The giddiness intensified, wrapping its fingers around my consciousness. I tried to mask my struggle, but I was losing my control.

"Let me help you." Elle's concerned voice cut through the fog in my mind.

I reluctantly agreed, my usual pride taking a backseat to the pressing need for assistance. Elle guided me, her touch steadying me as we made our way to the college nurse's office. I leaned on her, my casual confident demeanor replaced by a vulnerability I couldn't hide. Every step felt like a test of endurance, and Elle, surprisingly, gently supported my weight effortlessly. Her shoulders bore the burden of my unsteady form and her arms were wrapped around my waist. The hallway seemed to stretch endlessly and my legs trembled beneath me.

"You're heavier than you look, Smith."

I managed a weak chuckle. "Must be the weight of my irresistible charm." She rolled her eyes, but there was a softness in her gaze that caught me off guard.

The walk to the nurse's office felt like an eternity. I clung to her. It was a role reversal I never thought I'd experience. Her voice echoed in my ears, her words laced with genuine concern. "We're almost there." I focused on the sound of her footsteps and the reassuring cadence of her voice.

The nurse's office finally came into view.

She gently guided me to a chair, and I sank into it, feeling drained. The nurse assessed my condition, while Elle had to step out. "Looks like you pushed yourself too hard." The nurse remarked, checking my vitals. I managed a weak smile, attempting to downplay the severity of my situation.

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