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I entered the busy hallway, the usual energy of the campus felt distant and hollow. I approached my classroom. As I walked in, Olivia and Grace immediately spotted me, their faces lightening up with surprises.

"There she is." Grace exclaimed. "Tell us about the big surprise."

"Yeah, what did he do?" Olivia added. "Was it amazing?"

Their enthusiasm was a stark contrast to my own dark mood. I felt a surge of anger rise within me, the frustration of the previous night bubbling up to the surface. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my emotions, but it was no use. The dam broke and the words spilled out like a huge tornado.

"Surprise? You want to hear about the surprise?" I snapped. "How about the surprise of being stood up. How about the surprise of waiting for hours and getting nothing."

Their smiles faltered, replaced by a look of concern and confusion. "What happened?" Grace asked gently.

"What happened?" I repeated, my voice rising in pitch. "I waited for him at the fountain like an idiot. I sent him a ton of messages, asking where he was, if he was okay. You know what I got in return? Nothing! Not a single word. He left me on read, completely ignoring me."

"I'm so sorry, Elle. That's awful." Olivia reached out, placing a hand on my shoulders.

"Awful? It's more than awful." I retorted, pulling my arm away. "He promised a surprise, something unforgettable. Well, he certainly delivered on that. I'll never forget how he made me feel like a complete fool."

"Maybe there's an explanation?" Olivia added.

"An explanation? Like what? What could possibly justify leaving me waiting for hours without a word? Even if something happened, he could have told me, could have sent a message. Anything but this."

I slumped into my seat, my shoulders sagging.

"Have you heard from him at all?" Grace asked.

"No." I replied. "Not a word. Every message I sent, he just left on seen. It's like I don't even exist."

The room fell silent, all eyes turning towards me. My teacher paused mid-sentence, his gaze fixed on me. My classmates stared at me, but I was too overwhelmed to care.

My teachers stepped forward, his expressions softening. "Elle, are you okay?" He asked gently.

I took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to calm myself. "Yes, sir, I'm okay."

He nodded. "You don't look good. Why don't you step outside for a bit, Elle? The open lawn outside might help you clear your head."

I blinked back tears. "Thank you, sir." I whispered.

Gathering my things, I made my way to the door, the silence of the classroom pressing in on me. As I walked out, I felt my classmates staring at me, but I didn't look back. I needed to get away, to find some space to process everything.

I found a quiet spot beneath the tree and sat down. My thoughts churned, a chaotic mix of anger, sadness. I took out my phone, staring at the screen but there were no new messages, no missed calls.

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