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"He must have said something really sweet."

I chuckled, looking at Olivia, feeling simultaneously embarrassed and excited by the attention. "Maybe he did." I admitted, unable to wipe the smile from my face.

*Elle's phone chimed*

"Guess who?" Grace teased, leaning in to peek at the screen over my shoulders.

I shot her a playful glare before eagerly tapping on the notification. Cam's message popped on the screen.

C: Meet me at the central fountain. I have a surprise for you.

C: I promise you will love it and never forget.

"He's at it again, isn't he?" Grace teased.

I couldn't suppress the grin that spread across my face as I showed them the message, their teasing only fueling my excitement. Grace waggled her eyebrow suggestively and Olivia clapped her hand in excitement.

"When do you have to be there?" Grace asked.

I glanced back at my phone. "He said right now."

Usually, he would be practicing at this time. I nervously bit my lip. He was passionate about basketball, and I was certain he wouldn't miss any practice. I dismissed my doubts. "I'll just have to find out." And murmured to myself and let out a small laugh.

I got up from the bed and walked towards my closet. Searching for a good fit, my gaze landed on the red halter neck top which was tucked away in the corner of my closet. I remember him saying that red was his favorite color. Without a second thought, I plucked the top from its hanger and paired it with a simple pair of dark jeans. For the hair, I decided to let it loose.

Next, I reached for my makeup bag, the familiar steps of application as I swept a touch of colors on my cheeks and lips. It was a subtle enhancement, nothing too dramatic.

With a final twirl in front of Grace and Olivia, I grabbed my shoulder bag and made my way towards the central fountain.

As I approached the fountain, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nervous excitement fluttering in the pit of my stomach. What could he have planned that was so special, so unforgettable? The possibilities raced through my mind.

As I approached the central fountain, my heart fluttered with excitement, eager to meet him and discover the surprise he had in store for me. The anticipation had been building since he sent that mysterious message. With each step closer to our meeting spot, I could practically feel the thrill coursing through my veins, igniting every nerve ending with electric anticipation.

But as I reached the fountain, my steps faltered, my heart sinking as I scanned the area for any sign of Cam. The bustling square stretched out before me, alive with the energy of the city, but there was no trace of him amidst the throngs of people and the glistening streams of water.

A glance at the time on my phone revealed that I had arrived earlier than planned, a rare case with me. A nervous laugh bubbled up from within me as I shook my head in disbelief. Leave it to Cam to make me break my own record for timeliness.

Minutes stretched into an hour, but he never came. I furrowed my brows, my mind racing with questions. I quickly pulled out my phone and sent him the message.

4:30 pm

E: Where are you? I'm here at the fountain. Everything okay?

I waited for more than fifteen minutes but he never responded. Doubts crept insidiously into my mind. Had I misunderstood his message? Was this all a cruel joke?

He would never joke with me. Perhaps this all has to be a big misunderstanding. He better have a good explanation for showing up late.

Fifteen more minutes passed and still there was no sign of him, a whirlwind of emotions churned within me. At first, I brushed aside the nagging doubts that threatened to consume me, convinced that there must be a reasonable explanation for his absence. After all, Cam would never stand me up, would he?

With each passing minute of silence, however, my confidence began to waver. The messages I sent, filled with growing concern and frustration, remained unanswered, their blue ticks mocking me from the screen. I couldn't understand it. Why was he ignoring me? What could have possibly kept him from meeting me?

Despite the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I clung stubbornly to the belief that there had to be a rational explanation for his behavior. Perhaps he had been caught up in an unexpected emergency or had simply lost track of time. Surely, he wouldn't intentionally leave me waiting like this, would he?

But as the minutes turned into hours and the sky darkened overhead, my resolve began to crumble. I felt like a fool, sitting there by the fountain, clinging desperately to the belief that he would show up any moment.

With each passing moment of silence, the weight of reality pressed down on me with suffocating force. I had been stood up. The realization hit me like a physical blow, leaving me reeling with a mixture of anger, hurt, and confusion.

Still, a stubborn part of me refused to give up hope completely. I waited, clinging to the faint possibility that he would appear, a sheepish grin on his face as he apologized profusely for his absence. But as the half-hour mark passed with no sign of him, the truth became undeniable.

Cam wasn't coming. He had chosen to leave me waiting, alone and abandoned after promising me an unforgettable surprise. The tears that had threatened to spill over earlier now flowed freely down my cheeks, their salty sting mingling with the bitter taste of disappointment.

I sent him message after message, my fingers flying over the keys in a desperate bid for answers.

4:45 pm

E: Has something happened? Are you running late?

5:07 pm

E: Hey, it's been a while. Are you on your way?

5:38 pm

E: If you got caught up somewhere you could have informed me.

6:00 pm

E: I can't believe you are ignoring me.

E: I won't wait any longer.

6:45 pm

E: I'm leaving. I don't know what happened but you better have a good explanation for this.

9:30 pm

E: You left me waiting for hours with no explanation. All you had to do was send me a text about your absence.

E: And you're still responding to my texts and calls.

E: And you're still responding to my texts and calls

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