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It's been a long week since we set this date. Cam is feeling much better now. There are still faint marks on his skin, but the pain has lessened.  It was a beautiful spring day with sun casting a warm glow over everything. I couldn't help but smile as I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

I chose to wear a cute pair of skirt along with olive green tank top. The sun was shining brightly so I pulled on my favorite pair of sunglasses and grabbed a jacket just in case. I walked a few blocks to our meeting spot. When I got there, Cam was already waiting for me, standing beside his car.

"Hi, belle." He smiled, his smile even brighter than the spring sunshine. "You look absolutely stunning!"

I blushed at his compliment and replied. "Thank you. You're not looking too bad yourself."

We laughed.

He walked towards me, his eyes locked with mine, and he gently took my hand in his. His fingers gently interwine with me, a cascade of sensation ran through me. A fluttering in my tummy, a warmth spreading from his touch. "Shall we?" He asked, gesturing towards his car.

I nodded eagerly and we made our way to his car. I settled into the passenger seat of his car and he slid into the drivers seat, a smile lighting up his face as he turned the keys in the ignition.

I adjusted my sunglasses, fastened the seatbelt and glanced out of the window, the passing scenery blurring into streaks of green and blue. Cam cleared his throat, breaking the comfortable silence. "Hey, can you put on some music?"

"Sure, why not."

I reached for the radio dial and flicked it on. The car was filled with upbeat pop music and I couldn't help but wiggle in my seat to the tunes.

Cam led out a chuckle. It started off as a quiet chuckle, the type that slips out unexpectedly no matter how hard we try to stifle it. I shot him a quizzical look, my brows raised. "What's so funny?"

He shook his head. "Oh nothing, I didn't peg you for a pop music kind of girl, that's all."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

He held up his hands in surrender, his laughter bubbling up once more. "Nothing, nothing! It's just... unexpected, that's all. I always figured you for more of a country kind of girl."

"Well, I hate to disappoint you, but I happen to have a soft spot for catchy tunes and cheesy lyrics."

His smile widened. "Hey, nothing wrong with that. Variety is the spice of life, right?"

I couldn't help laugh at his easy-going attitude.

"I suppose so." I conceded.

"So, you like cheesy stuff, huh? He murmured. I turned to face him, but his eyes were focused on the empty highway ahead us. A flush of heat rose to my cheeks at the suggestive undertone in his words.

"Umm, yeah, I guess you could say that."

He released his grip on the steering wheel with his left hand and proceeded to drive the car with just one hand, while the other casually dangled out of the window.

With a smooth, sensual motion of shifting his hands on the steering wheel, he placed his right hand on my thigh. My heart skipped a beat as he began to inch its way up my inner thigh. My breath hitched, and I instinctively parted my legs.

Inch by inch, his hands inched higher, causing goosebumps to erupt across my skin. I let out a small gasp, unable to control my reaction to his touch. His fingers reached the hem of my skirt, I could feel my breath quickening. My mind raced with the thought of what might happen next.

His eyes never left the road, but I could sense the intensity of his gaze. His hands continued to move, his fingers tracing patterns on my skin, sending electric shocks throughout my body.

I found myself gripping the edge of the seat, my knuckles turning white. My heart was pounding in my chest and my cheeks flushed with heat. I couldn't help but let out a soft moan as his fingers ventured higher, brushing against the sensitive part of my inner thigh.

My body trembled beneath his touch, and I clenched my legs together in an effort to contain the growing the ache between them. It was as if his fingers had been specially designed to awaken every nerve ending in my body, leaving me breathless and more turned on than I'd ever been.

"Cam." I whispered, my voice barely audible over the upbeats playing on the radio.

He didn't respond, but his hand continued to move, his fingers now gently caressing my bare skin underneath my skirt.

This wasn't me. I've never done or felt something so sensual. But the thrill of being so exposed and vulnerable was intoxicating. I couldn't help but surrender to the pleasure coursing through me.

 I couldn't help but surrender to the pleasure coursing through me

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