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I know Shaunie doesn't like Maurice, but he's been there for me since I started my music career. I don't think he would steer me wrong, he has been making moves as my manager by getting me gigs day after day. I haven't seen any money come through, Maurice said that he's been putting it back into the budget to get me back and forth to the venues as well as for him to promote me and my music. He said he needs a budget to meet with people in order to get contracts signed. I have no knowledge of how it works in the music industry therefore I have to depend on Maurice.

"Girl, I'm tryna tell you, I don't trust Maurice. There is something that just ain't right about him." Shaunie said looking at Maurice standing across the room at the venue for tonight. He was talking to a few guys from the CFE Group.

"I know how you feel about him. You've told me plenty of times." I agreed with her. She never ceases to tell me how she feels about him.

"Then when are you going to listen? I'm telling you, he's doing something behind your back."

"Maurice has been with me this long and he gave me opportunities that I didn't make on my own,"

"Just because you didn't make the moves, doesn't mean you couldn't. Besides, I think you can do so much better without him as a manager."

"But Maurice said this was the one. He's over there talking to the owners of CFE! What if he makes a deal?"

"I believe it when I see it. He ain't nothing but a fake, ass buster." Shaunie did not hesitate to express her hatred for Maurice, even in his face.

Maurice was laughing and shaking hands with the guys as they glanced our way. I got excited because he was really coming through this time. Things were actually taking a turn for the better. Maurice and the owners of CFE walked over to us as we sat at the bar.

"Here she is, my beautiful Princess, Alicia," Maurice voiced as he approached. "Alicia, this is Marcus Harper and Franklin Studdard of...,"

"Chicago's Finest Entertainment," I interrupted as I turned towards them. "I am beyond honored to meet you. Maurice said that he knew you two." I looked at them. They looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Uh yeah, well it's nice to meet you, Alicia. You have some pipes girl, we want you to come by the studio so we can see how you sound."

"Are you serious?" I stammered.

"See girl, I told you, you stay with me, I'll take you places." Maurice bragged.

"Ta ha! Yeah right. You didn't even know them. You're ass probably got on their last damn nerves and they agreed to meet Alicia just to get you to leave them alone." Shaunie snapped and pivoted to one side, folded her arms across her chest and smirked.

I knew she was gonna call him out on his shit. She always does. I know it comes from a good place, but sometimes she goes in for the kill. And tonight was not the time or place.

"Damn Shaunie, you ain't gotta be all loud and shit," He turned towards her frowning.

"Look," Franklin stepped up, stopping those two idiots from going head to head.

"We were already planning to meet up with Alicia before your manager came over to us," He uttered.

"He ain't no damn manager. He's just a wannabe. You need to talk directly to Alicia, if you serious and not that stupid, ass nigga." Shaunie interrupted and was not letting up this time. She knew this was a serious deal and she wasn't about to let Maurice get any type of credit for this one. She really didn't trust him.

"Damn Shaunie, why don't you take your ass somewhere?" He huffed rolling his eyes. Marcus and Franklin witnessed this banter between the two of them and I just shook my head.

"Why don't you? I'm looking out for my girl, which is better than what I can say for you!" Shaunie stepped directly up to Maurice.

"Ah shit, she's a little firecracker!" Marcus said, covering his mouth. "Hey, I don't know about the dude here, but you should hire her as your manager, I'm just saying."

"What?" Maurice felt defeated as he turned and looked at Marcus.

"See! You ain't shit!"

"I'm sorry about them. As you can see, they don't like each other." I apologized to save face. They were getting on my last nerves embarrassing me.

"It's all good. But come to the studio tomorrow around 2 pm. That works for you?" Franklin said, handing me a business card with the studio logo and the address.

"Yes, thank you! Oh my goodness." I couldn't believe it, I had an audition with CFE!

"You're welcome. It was nice to meet y'all." They waved at us and left.

"Ha! She got her shit down without yo' stupid ass!" Shaunie said, walking over to me. I was floating on cloud nine.

"Fuck you Shaunie!" Maurice came over to me and tried to take the card from my hands.

"What the fuck Maurice?!" I snatched it back and gave him a look that could kill.

"Told you, she don't need yo' ass,"

"Chill Shaunie, I got this." I said looking at Maurice.

"Bitch!" Maurice blurted.

"I got your bitch Maurice!" Shaunie yelled. "

"Would y'all stop for one damn minute!" I yelled. "Shit! I'm tired of y'all asses."

"Let's bounce baby," Maurice looked at me.

"Not tonight Maurice," He looked upset. He looked at Shaunie, who was quietly laughing and sticking her tongue out. "Shaunice is coming over tonight."

"She can come over any other night, I'm coming tonight." He said confidently.

"Not tonight you ain't," I answered.

"Why the fuck not?"

"Because I don't want to deal with your shit tonight Maurice. I'm tired, okay?" He looked at me and then at Shaunie. His phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it, looked at it and smiled.

"Nevermind. I got shit to do." Maurice uttered. "I'll holla." He kissed me quickly on the cheek and left.

"See that's the type of shit I'm talking about, Alicia. You know he just left because he fucking with someone,"

"C'mon Shaunie, he just got me this gig?"

"YOU got yourself that gig, not him. I love you girl, but you dense as fuck sometimes. I know the dick ain't that good. Did he fuck you clueless?" Shaunie asked.

She was right. I didn't want to admit it. I had had an inkling for a while now, about Maurice fucking around on me. I knew I was in denial but he has been in my corner, pushing me to reach my goal of becoming a singer. The dick was good too, to be honest. But I knew he wasn't faithful to me - I get it. I have a cute face and an amazing voice, but my body type doesn't match the types of girls I know he's hooking up with.

"I know girl, you're right." I finally agreed. "I need to let him go, but it's hard." Maurice and I have been together for almost a year.

"Fuck him," She blurted out quickly. "You just focus on your singing. Mr. Right-For-You will come along before you know it." She sounded so confident, it made me want to believe it.

"I know,  it's just hard. " 

"Then we have to find you a distraction." 

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