Best Thing For Me

19 3 0

Suave Rob

Alicia and I walked out of the clinic bandaged up and ready to head to the studio. Alicia helped me a lot when the nurse came to draw the blood as she held my hand and kept me distracted. I don't think I would have made it through without her to be honest. I had only gotten a test one time before and that didn't go too well. Alicia and I made it back to the studio with time to spare. Marcus was working with Analia and Taye when we arrived so we chilled out in the lounge area.

"Hey y'all, I sent both of you the song with the lyrics we want you to sing for the showcase." Marcus said as we sat down.

"A'ight we'll take a look at it." I pulled out my phone to pull up the message.

"Roberto," Alicia called my name. I love when she says my name. Her soft voice delighted my ears.

"Huh?" I responded still looking at my phone. I held her hand, rubbing the back of it with my thumb.

"Papi?" Alicia called me again, this time I turned towards her. She looked like she needed to tell me something as she looked worried.

"Wassup Mami?" I leaned in closer to her, giving her my undivided attention.

"I saw him today. He was at the station."

"Who? Maurice?"

"Yes. I saw him parked in the last row of the parking lot. I saw his car." She said, her eyes filling with tears. "Why won't he leave me alone?"

I wrapped my arms around her as she cried. "It's okay Mami. I won't let him hurt you." I held her tight and rocked her back and forth.

"I'm just tired of him." She whimpered into my chest. I consoled her until she composed herself and wiped away her tears. "I just want him to go away and leave me alone!" She was afraid of him and she had every right to be, he was relentless in showing up in places unexpectedly.

I looked at Alicia; she looked so tired. Tired of dealing with him.

I wanted to snap his neck but that would take me away from Alicia altogether which defeated the purpose.

She sniffed as she covered her face with her hands as tears began flowing again. Alicia looked at me with her big, beautiful brown eyes full of tears, cascading down her cheeks hoping I could save her. The way she gazed at me, angered me; Not because she needed me to take her away from her misery, she shouldn't have been put in that position in the first place. And then to continue to attack and mentally fuck with her because she's trying to move on and live her life is fucking ridiculous.

"I know Mami," I wiped away the last of her tears from her cheeks. "I'm sorry, but it will be over soon."

"How can you be so sure?" She looked at me needing reassurance; I caressed her face and she looked away. Alicia was afraid to believe me, every guy she's been with gave her empty promises and just told her what she wanted to hear.

"Mami, I know for a fact that he will get what is coming to him. I promise." I held her face as she looked at me. "I promise, Mami. Lo juro, I swear." Her eyes searched my face for the smallest inkling of hope.

"You promise?" Alicia asked.

"Si, lo prometo." I nodded. I leaned forward and planted a small kiss on her lips. "We gotta tell them though."

"I know. I just don't want Marcus and Franklin to get tired of having to deal with Maurice to the point they drop me from the label."

"They won't drop you, Mami." I smiled, kissed her forehead and gave her another hug. "They will drop Maurice, though." I leaned back to look Alicia in the eyes.

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