Happy Thoughts

19 3 0

Suave Rob

Alicia came out to the kitchen while I cooked, looking bootylicious in my Golden State jersey. That ass has gotten me mesmerized. I smiled as she rounded the corner pulling out my earbuds.

"I would've come and brought it to you Mami," I wrapped my arms around her as she embraced me in hers.

It was like we were long lost lovers who had found each other again. Once I was given permission to place my hands upon her, I was addicted. I told her in advance, I knew I would have no control. I couldn't and didn't want to keep my hands off of her. She looked up to me, laying her chin on my chest.

"Do you need help?" she asked, looking cute as ever.

"You wanna help?" She nodded. "Sure Mami, you can cook the eggs."

"Ok, I gotchu. Do you like cheese in your eggs?"

"Yes, I knew I liked you." I walked over and kissed her on her forehead and returned to my chorizo in the skillet.

"Well I'm glad you did. You're the first guy who has ever cooked for me."

"Really? Oh man, baby I gotchu," She placed the eggs on the counter as I came up behind her and wrapped myself around her ass. "I gotta make sure you keep this right here." I said as I grinded up against her.

"Now you gonna start something," she said, moving her ass back against me. I laughed and patted her ass walking back to the skillet.

"Food first, we need energy."

"Besides, we have all day. I'm enjoying myself with you." I turned and looked at her. She was already special to me, I'm sure she felt it.

"I'm glad Mami. Did you get a hold of Shaunice?" I removed the chorizo from the skillet and finished the fried potatoes.

"Yeah I did," She said, scrambling the eggs and adding seasonings. I knew she could cook, a woman with her voluptuousness should know how to cook, not just eat. She was toned in all the right places, just thick and beautiful. I absolutely loved it. "She's gonna call me when she gets to my apartment."

"Oh good."

"She told me that he has been calling her but she hasn't been answering him. She thinks he's looking for me." My anger started to build quickly just by her mentioning the likes of him.

"She ain't gonna tell him where you are, is she? I mean, I know she's your girl and all but,"

"I know, calm down," Alicia interrupted. "Don't worry, she is definitely not going to tell him anything. She hates him. She asked me if I wanted her to shoot him in the balls."

"I like her."

"See!" She said pointing at me and smiling. "Besides, he doesn't know where you live anyway."

"True, so you know what that means right?"

"What?" She said bringing the egg mixture to the stove. I placed a cast iron skillet for her to use on the stove.

"It means you need to stay with me for the rest of the weekend until we figure something out about that bitch ass nigga." I tried to smile, thinking about the best outcome of that statement.

"Aww," she said, holding my face. "I can see you are upset just mentioning him. I know and I completely understand, trust me, I of all people know exactly how you feel."

I nodded and looked at her, she smiled a small smile and kissed me quickly on the lips.

"But if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be with you." She softly said, melting my heart even more for her. She knew how to see something beautiful out of something so terrible.

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