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It wasn't the same anymore, this world. Everything had changed in the last 25 years, and the only happy times, real happy times, was when she was a kid, before this world knew, that legends were real, that the universe was a lot bigger than what they expected.

She thought her family could get through anything, that they were strong, until that day, years ago, in New York, the first day her life began to change. Now twenty five years old well technically thirty thanks to the blip, and she had nothing, no family of her own, well, except for the misfits here, that made her smile, she loved them, even 'her', the one who took her future, the life she wanted. Though it wasn't the womans fault, it was her fathers, he was adamant he didn't want her growing up in this life, but what other life could she live?

'You know sergeant, you keep spacing out like that, I'm gonna start thinking I'm the problem..'..

Turning her head, she smiled lightly, forcing herself to pretend she was fine. Her eyes found his as he stood to her right, leaning against the large window, looking out over the grounds of their compound. She knew it wasn't the same as the original, hell, they couldn't afford it, nor all the tech and equipment they needed, but it was home for them.

Noticing him staring, she realised he was waiting for her to answer and she shook her head, turning fully to him and mirroring his stance... 'Just got a lot on my mind, that's all..'

'You know you don't have to lie with me, right?..'.. His eyebrows pinched together in concern... 'We're all family here..'

'I know Cap, I know. Just..'.. She shrugged, pursing her lips as she blew out a breath... 'You know me, just thinking about all the what ifs, and..-'

'And you wish he understood, that they all did..'.. He said, knowing her all too well.

She chuckled, tilting her head to him... 'You know, I'm going to start thinking you have powers, you read me way too well..'.. He grinned and reached out, pulling her in for a hug... 'You heard from the others yet?..'

He sighed, and stepped back, glancing around the room. It was a mix of living room, kitchen and training room in one, the glass wall behind her, held the only lab/med bay they had. Checking no one else was nearby, he lowered his voice, so only she could hear... 'Yeah, they're on their way back, but I got a mission, just for you. Think you got time to come to my room later?..'

She thought it over, bouncing her head side to side... 'Mmm, for you I can make time..'.. She smiled at him... 'You know this dinner is going to be unbelievably awkward..'.. She winced at the thought. Her dad had gone against her joining the team, wanting her to have a 'normal' life, but after everything that had happened in the last twenty plus years, this world was far from normal.

'Want company?..'.. He asked and she shook her head.

'Yeah, like that will go down well. Last time I had him berate me, because he's heard the gossip of me and you, plus he found out I took your name.'.. She gestured between them and he frowned.

'No offence, but..'.. He shook his head..'Its none of their business..'

That made her laugh... 'And some have seen me leave your room, or you've left mine. You know people love to gossip, they think we're married..'

'So?..'.. He folded his arms... 'Hell, I'll tell them all the truth, binge watching true crime documentaries..'

She couldn't help but grin at him. When shit had hit the fan with her family, when she told them what she was doing, joining the team, not one of them understood, but instead all she heard was she was being reckless, inconsiderate, that she wasn't as capable as others, but Cap, he fully accepted her, trained her, encouraged her skills and gave her the support she wanted.

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