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Loki was extremely irritated with this woman. She didn't answer his questions when he asked her to explain what she meant, but instead, she had practically dragged him to an establishment, and bounced on her feet. He watched as she took something off her right hand, and took hold of his own... 'Think of you, with short hair, and some facial hair..'.. She looked up at him as it crossed his mind and that's when she slipped something o to his finger.

'What is this?..'.. He pulled his hand back, scowling at the ring she had put on him... 'Flattered, but no..'.. He went to take it off and she slapped his hands.

'Its a glamour ring. You think of how you want to look, and put it on. I just thought you could enjoy being here, without worrying that SHIELD or the Avengers will track and find you..'.. He was surprised to hear that, why would she care?.. 'Now come on, I'm likely to start eating my jacket I'm so hungry, and I like this jacket..'.. She smoothed her hands down it, and Loki noted the sad smile as she did.

He remained quiet, as she took his arm again and pulled him to the doors of the establishment... 'You said we were in the mirror dimension..'

'And we're stepping out of it now..'.. She grinned, and then she went to pull the door open, but he moved fast, not sure why he was doing so. He didn't see any surprise in her face as he held it open for her, but she did thank him for it. Just a simple thank you, and he felt a sense of pride, no one ever really thanked him for anything... 'Do you have any preferences on what you'd like to eat?..'.. She asked him as they headed to a woman, standing at a small counter.

'Not particularly..'..

'Ok. Hi..'.. She smiled at the woman... 'Reservation for Grey, Marello has a table for us..'

Loki watched how she interacted with the woman, and then they were led to a table towards the back. The woman gestured to the booth and Elle thanked her. He sighed and sat down opposite her, watched as she took her jacket off. His eyes romaned over what she was wearing, it was showing off her bare shoulders, black, and half sleeved. That's when he noticed the markings, tattoos on her left shoulder, and left forearm. From the design, he figured it was one large tattoo.

'Like what you see, or would you like me to pose for a photo, so you have something to stare at all the time?..'.. His eyes flicked to hers, seeing her grin. Before he had a chance to say anything, a server came to their table. She ordered them both drinks, then their food... 'Oh, and can we also get the graze plate too please? Thank you..'

'I am more than capable of deciding what I want to eat..'.. He sat back, watching her.

'I know. But I also know this place..'.. Elle wagged a finger around... 'Marello is an acquaintance, this is his restaurant. From what I know of you Loki, you have a refined pallete so, I got the best for you..'

Loki drummed his fingers on the table... 'You said you are from the future..'

She smiled at him. It was disarming as to how much she smiled, as though she was constantly happy, he couldn't tell if he found it annoying or charming... 'I am. I'm from the year 2034, so 22 years from now. Truth for truth Loki, so it's my turn to ask a question..'.. She turned to look at the person who brought their drinks over, and waiting for them to leave... 'Underneath all this bravado of yours, do you really hate your parents and Thor?..'

'They are not my parents, I am nothing more than a disappointing trophy. I am a monster..'.. He picked up his glass and took a sip, the taste had him eliciting a slight murmur of approval.

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