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Elle readjusted her clothing, after feeding Jace. Once she had burped and dressed him for the day, she finished getting herself ready for an audience with Odin and frigga. Though maids had brought her clothing to wear, none of it was her style, so she had torn the skirt from one, that she liked the corset and sleeves on, wearing it with a pair of her jeans. She hadn't worn a dress in years and there was no way she was wearing one now.

Hearing a knock on her door, she called out for them to enter as she finished lacing up her boots... 'I gathered that you would not be comfortable wearing them..'.. Elle looked up, seeing the queen.

'Forgive me your highness, I don't mean to offend, but I have my reasons. I'm not one to bow to others demands or whims, nor will I conform to anyone's expectations of me..'.. She stood up, hands at her sides, as Frigga laughed lightly.

'My dear, you have nothing to fear from us. We wish for you to be comfortable, no matter what you wear. Though if you let me know what you prefer, I can have the royal tailors make your wardrobe..'.. Elle watched Frigga walk over to Jaces travel cot, smiling down at him.

'That's not necessary, but I appreciate your offer, I don't plan on being here long enough, there are things I have to do back home..'.. Elle gestured to her son... 'Feel free to pick him up, I trust him in your care..'.. Frigga did as she said... 'You know why I'm here, and what I plan to do. Yes I'm asking for help, but I'll give it regardless..'

'Hm..'.. Frigga turned to her with Jace... 'For one so young, you have an old warriors soul, something I have not seen for a long time..'

'I take it that's a compliment..'.. Elle went to her dresser, to fix her hair... 'Please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not here to play games, act like a lady or speak in riddles..'.. She tied her hair up and turned back... 'Every second of time, here in the past is accounted for, and what I do with it. There's so much I have to change, and I literally don't have time for anything else..'

'I know my dear, and you have our assistance. I am here to take you to Odin and Thor, so we may speak of your mission..'.. Frigga headed to the door, but glanced over with a knowing smile... 'I must say, what you have planned for Loki, I only wish to see how he adapts..'.. A light laugh escapes her... 'I fear he has met his match in you..'

'You're not the first to think that..'.. Elle followed her out the door... 'And believe me, he has no idea how stubborn I can be either..'

The two of them walk and talk, mostly about Jace, as they head to a private room to meet the others. Elle wasn't worried about pissing Odin off, she jnew he could be wrathful,  but if he wanted Asgard to survive and his queen, then he better listen. Frigga nodded to the two guards outside a set of doors, and they opened them for the women to enter, and closed behind them.

'Good morning lady Elle, I hope you slept well..'.. Thor and Odin rose from their seats as the two women walked over.

'Aside from the nightly feeds, I did. You have amazing beds here. I swear if it wasn't for the fact I had to nurse Jace, I think I would've buried myself under the covers and stayed there..'.. Elle smiled at them both, making Frigga laugh.

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