Chapter 5~ holidays take off

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Songs for this chapter

~Scary monsters and nice sprites~ skrillex
~Jingle bells ~ Andy Williams
~ rescue me~ dekku( Juliana chahayed)

( December 24th)

Jason's pov:

" Lauren is everything packed up?" I asked walking out of the bathroom.
" yeah." She said sadly.
" babe I'm sorry." I said going over to her and wrapping my arms around her.

So I totally lied to her but it's okay. I told her we have to get back to New York because Michael is there with my mother and some other stupid shit but she believed me surprising.
What I'm actually doing is bringing her karma and rylee on my jet and her father is bringing himself and Tyler plus more on his jet to Miami. The house is all decorated and ready for a nice Christmas party.

" it's okay. I mean it's not your fault so we can just get this done as soon as possible." She said putting a hat on and slipping her shoes on.
" I'll go get rylee ready." I said walking out to rylees room.
" munchkin we gotta get you dressed." I said going to her bag and picking out jeans and a tank top with a cover up.
Her socks had little Santas on it.

" ha rylee can you hold your own bag or do you need me to?" I asked looking at her little pink dotted suite case.
" I got it bubba." She said sassily.
" okay ryleeeee." I said mockingly.

I walked out and grabbed the bags and loaded the car up quickly.
Soon enough we were all on our way to the jet and Lauren's father was just going to meet us there.
" so when we get there, what are we gonna do with the little one?" Lauren asked.

" um I think alex is coming to get her." Why have i gotten so good at lying?
" oh okay nice."

~ arriving to jet~

" alright bye dad I love you!" Lauren hugged her father and he handed her the leash.
" bye mr.martinez." I shook his hand and he gave me a wink,
" see ya soon you two. Stay out of trouble. Oh and Lauren, Don't get pregnant!" He yelled out walking back to his car.

I couldn't help but laugh. She shook her head and laughed.
" he is not normal." She said walking up the stairs.
" hello guys. How is everything doing?" Rick asked.

" fabulous rick how about you?"
I responded, hitting the button that closes and locks the door.
" just splendid thanks for asking." He pat me on the back.

" okay let's go." Rick went up to the pilots seat and I went to sit with Lauren.
" rylee you gotta sit down when we take off okay?" I said getting her seat ready.
" ookk." She came skipping over and I put her belt on.
* okay everyone sit tight we have a long ride* rick announced on the speaker.

The plane took off and rylee fell asleep easily, Lauren leaned on my chest.
I put the arm rest up and she leaned her body onto me.
" just go to sleep baby, I'll wake you up when we get there." I said stroking her hair.
" okay." She yawned and closed her eyes.

The other day her and Tyler went out shopping together and I guess he just brought her around where he used to chill which I think it's nice he's trying to be a brother to her. Rylee and I watched cartoons and had a " tea party" I swear if any of my dudes saw me my rep would be completely ruined. No one would push me that far though.

I started to feel a little drowsy myself so I picked Lauren up and brought her back to the bed with me. I would bring rylee back but she starts crying when people wake her up and I can't deal with her cry on a plane right now.

"Uhhg how much longer?" Lauren whispered with her eyes closed.
" baby we just reached a steady latitude it's gonna be a while." I laughed closing my eyes.
" fuckk." She leaned in closer to me.

It's not over (Taken 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang