Chapter 12~ what a joke

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Songs for this chapter:
Welcome to the jungle~ lil john
Paradise~ big sean
Stupid hoe~ nicki minaj

Jason's pov:

Welcome to Georgia.
I read as I entered a new state. It usually takes me like 2 hours to get here but at 1 in a half hours, new record. Going 100 down the highway gets you places. Only 14 more hours to go till I get up to ohio.


So excited. This is just going to be great! This is honestly just the best ever I can't even explain how pumped I am to do this mission.

Note my sarcasm.

I wonder what Lauren and Tyler are doing.

I feel bad leaving Lauren in such short notice, but I have to do my job and not to be mean but she gets in my way at times, and right now I'm going against someone I could consider as strong as me, maybe not as strong since he was in jail for 3 years, but still.

I hope Tyler does a good job in watching her. I don't need any shit happening while I'm over 1000 miles away.
I thought about calling Lauren but I don't want her to be upset, so her time with Tyler will be good.

I have to admit, this drive is soo boring. Especially when I'm not with Lauren. She would always put her damn feet up on my dashboard and we Would have a fight about that, then sooner or later either she would put her feet down or I would cave.
Depends on the day.

I'll probably call her before I go to sleep cause I can't drive all night. I've been tired all day.
I'll just stop in West Virginia. They got some nice places.

My phone started to ring so I grabbed it and saw a restricted number.
Love these ones.

" hello." I answered more calm than I usually would.
" it's alex dude my phone died." Alex laughed sorta worriedly.
" what do you want? I'm driving." I said annoyed.

" you need to get off the next exit." Alex said.
" why?" I started to slow down because I was close to Atlanta.

" mom teamed up with Michael. He got her against us. You don't need to come here. Just go to some hotel for tonight and head home tomorrow. I'm going to plan something out. You should too." He sounded horrible.

" wait, but w- why?" I was so confused about this all.
" I'll try to come down to Miami later this week and explain. Right now I have to go." Alex said rushing off.
" k bye."
" bye."

I hung up and threw my phone down on the seat.
What . the . actual.  fuck.

This isn't right. My mom can't team up with the enemy. They probably tricked her or something. I won't let this go easy. And I sure as hell won't let this go without a fight.

I looked at the time, it was around 9 ish. I should probably get to calling Lauren soon.
I pulled off when I got to the next exit and headed towards town. The first comfort inn I see I'm going to.

I'm going to plan this mission out then call her. I might have to have her in this one.

Hopefully she can calm me down.

Lauren's pov:

I started to open my eyes a bit. I was in the back of a truck? Or van. I don't know.

My hands weren't tied or cuffed. I wasn't blind folded. Like these guys are doing something different or he is stupid.

Soon enough it stopped and someone came from the back and ordered me out but I refused.
" no thank you. But it would be nice if you could bring me home?" I said giving him sass.

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