Chapter 3: A Message washed Ashore

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Flapjack ambled along the sandy shores of Stormalong Harbor's beach, his bucket swaying in rhythm with his steps, while the melodic crash of waves serenaded his stroll. As he scanned the coastline for treasures, his keen eyes caught sight of a peculiar object half-buried in the sand.

With a skip in his step, Flapjack hastened toward the glinting glass bottle, its surface shimmering in the sun like a beacon of mystery. Carefully, he plucked it from its sandy cradle, excitement dancing in his eyes as he uncorked it with eager anticipation.

"Oh, what wonders lie within?" Flapjack mused aloud, his heart pounding with curiosity as he retrieved the rolled-up parchment nestled inside.

Unfurling the parchment, Flapjack's eyes widened in delight as he recognized the familiar script of Waffle's handwriting, accompanied by the faint scent of sea taffy—her signature fragrance that never failed to evoke memories of their adventures.

"Dear Flapjack," the letter began, and with each word, Flapjack felt a rush of warmth flood his heart. Waffle's words painted a picture of sugary escapades and sweet memories in Sugartop Village, and Flapjack couldn't help but smile at the thought of his dear friend embarking on new misadventures.

"By the bubbles of Bubbie, it's a letter from Waffle!" Flapjack exclaimed, clutching the parchment close to his chest as he turned to share his joy with Bubbie, who emerged from the water with a joyful splash.

"Bubbie, guess what?" Flapjack cried, his excitement contagious as he relayed the contents of Waffle's letter. "Waffle's off on all sorts of sugary escapades back in Sugartop Village!"

Bubbie let out a rumbling hum of delight, her eyes twinkling with affection as she nudged Flapjack playfully. "Seems like Waffle's still stirring up mischief wherever she goes."

With a contented sigh, Flapjack carefully tucked the letter into his pocket, the scent of sea taffy lingering like a sweet promise of their enduring friendship. As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a golden hue over the tranquil harbor, Flapjack and Bubbie continued their beachcombing adventure, the memory of Waffle's letter adding an extra sprinkle of sweetness to their day.

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