Chapter 21: K'rying K'nuckles

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Flapjack sat on the edge of the Candy Bar's wooden deck, carefully unfolding Waffle's letter. The scent of sugary adventures and the salty sea filled the air as he immersed himself in her words. His eyes traced each line, and a smile danced across his face as he absorbed the sweetness of Waffle's tales.

However, as Flapjack looked up from the letter, his eyes met with a surprising sight – Captain K'nuckles, the rugged and often grumpy captain, had tears streaming down his face. The sun cast a warm glow on the harbor, but the unexpected display of emotion from the Captain overshadowed the cheerful atmosphere.

Flapjack, puzzled, blinked in confusion. "Cap'n? Why are you cryin'?"

K'nuckles sniffled, hastily wiping away a tear with the back of his hand. "Ain't cryin', boy! Just got somethin' in me eye, that's all. What's in that letter of yours? Did she send a map to hidden candy or somethin'?"

Flapjack chuckled, realizing that K'nuckles was attempting to deflect his emotional moment. He decided to play along. "Nah, Cap'n, just Waffle bein' her usual sugary self, tellin' tales of family and adventures."

Captain K'nuckles grunted in response, muttering something about sugar and sentimental nonsense. Flapjack knew better, though. The letter had touched a chord, not just with him but seemingly with the gruff captain as well.

As Flapjack returned to reading Waffle's letter, he couldn't help but feel the warmth of camaraderie and connection. The salty sea breeze carried not only the tales of adventures but also the unspoken bonds that formed between unlikely companions on the ever-turbulent sea of life.

Dear Flapjack...Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя