Chapter 8: Ink'd!!!

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Dear Waffle,

Ahoy there, my sweet sugary pen pal! Your letter sailed into Stormalong Harbor like a ship on a sea of excitement, bringing tales of epic squid battles and the most peculiar celebrations. Your adventures never fail to put a grin on my face!

Now, brace yourself for a peculiar tale from the Candy Bar. After reading about your victory feast with Captain Panini, a strange craving took over me – a craving for all things squid! I ended up crafting squid spaghetti with a generous drizzle of squid ink. It was a sugary masterpiece if I do say so myself.

Oh, and about the squid ink stain on this letter, consider it a mark of my sugary misadventures. It's like a squid's signature, right? I hope it doesn't distract too much from the words penned here.

Now, onto more important matters – you felt guilty about munching on squid after the epic battle. Well, Waffle, let me set the record straight. No need to harbor any guilt! I'm proud of you and Captain Panini for facing that giant squid head-on. You celebrated your victory in a way that's uniquely sugary and, well, squiddy.

Remember, adventures come in all flavors, even the squid-flavored ones! So, embrace the sugary surprises, and never let guilt weigh you down like an anchor. You and Captain Panini make a dynamic duo on the sugary seas, and I'm proud to be a part of your pen pal adventures.

Sending you waves of sugary cheer and a boatload of squid-inspired smiles!

Squidtastically yours,


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