Chapter 18: Uncharted Waters of Love

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Dear Waffle,

Well, shiver me timbers, I reckon your letters are like a treasure map leading me to an uncharted ocean of love. Aye, it's strange to think that even pirates like me might have a soft spot hidden beneath all this rough and tough exterior.

When I read your words, it's like I'm swimming through uncharted waters, discovering feelings I never knew I had. Sometimes I find myself floating in the sea of your letters, wondering if this is what it feels like to be adrift in a vast ocean of affection.

Now, don't go thinkin' I've gone all mushy on you. We're still pirates, and pirates don't usually talk about love and feelings. But your letters, Waffle, they make me question whether, perhaps, even us buccaneers have a heart beneath the sea of salt.

Keep those letters coming, and who knows, maybe I'll navigate this newfound ocean of emotions.

Sailin' with a puzzled heart,


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