Chapter 25: Lovesick Jellyfish

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One sunny day in Stormalong Harbor, a concerned citizen approached Captain K'nuckles, noticing the veteran seafarer's troubled expression.

"Cap'n, what's eatin' at ya?" the citizen inquired, casting a worried glance at K'nuckles. "Your little laddie's wearin' that gloomy look all day."

Captain K'nuckles, who was idly sitting at the Candy Barrel, nursing a root beer, sighed deeply. He scratched his scruffy beard and glanced over at Bubbie, who was docked nearby.

"Aye," K'nuckles grumbled, a hint of concern in his voice. "He's been actin' like a lovesick jellyfish. Mopin' around all day, and it's startin' to bum me out."

The citizen raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the mention of Flapjack's unusual behavior. "Lovesick jellyfish, you say? What's got him all tangled up?"

K'nuckles leaned in conspiratorially, his eyes scanning the bustling harbor before he whispered, "It's that pen pal of his, Waffle. They've been writin' letters to each other, and suddenly, the letters stopped comin'. Flapjack's been a mess ever since."

The concerned citizen nodded understandingly. "Ah, matters of the heart can be tricky, especially when the sea's involved. Maybe he's just missin' her letters, Cap'n."

K'nuckles grunted in agreement, taking a swig of his root beer. "Maybe. But it's more than that. He's convinced somethin's wrong, and it's drivin' him mad."

As the citizen patted K'nuckles on the back, offering a few comforting words, the salty sea breeze carried the worries of the harbor. Meanwhile, Flapjack's lovesick demeanor continued to be the talk of Stormalong, leaving Captain K'nuckles to ponder the uncertainty that had cast its shadow over his young companion's heart.

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