Chapter 17: Tears and Tatts

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Dear Flapjack,

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits and high adventures. Today, something amusing happened that I thought you might enjoy hearing about. Remember that tattoo parlor I mentioned in my last letter? Well, it turns out your fanboy enthusiasm has unintended consequences.

I decided to get a tattoo to mark our recent heist, but as I was reading your latest letter at the parlor, the tough, hairy tattoo artist got quite emotional. It seems your words about my swashbucklin' heroics hit him right in the feels. Who would have thought?

To lighten the mood, I requested an anchor tattoo on my left bicep. Not only is it a symbol of strength and seaworthiness, but it also reminded me of you – steady, dependable, and always there to anchor me in the storms of life.

As the needle buzzed and ink seeped into my skin, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of you. Your infectious excitement, your unwavering support, and the way you make every adventure brighter – it's like having my anchor.

So, here I am, proudly sporting a new tattoo that not only commemorates our daring escapades but also serves as a reminder of the wonderful friend I have in you. Your fanboy antics might have caused a stir, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Take care, Flapjack, and keep those delightful letters coming. I treasure each one like the precious gems in a pirate's chest.

Wishing you fair winds and thrilling tides,


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