Chapter 22: Dreamers on Deck

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Dear Waffle,

Ahoy from Stormalong Harbor! Hope this letter finds you in the sweetest of sugar lands. Things here have been as wild as ever. Your last letter, with all those tales of cunning heists and daring adventures, made quite a splash in our little town.

You won't believe what happened the other day. Captain K'nuckles, our rugged ol' sea dog, was caught bawling like a baby. Yep, you read that right! Bawling! He tried to blame it on some imaginary dust or somethin', but we all know better. Your tales of sugary escapades and family warmth reached even the toughest heart in Stormalong. The Cap'n might never admit it, but he's got a soft spot for your stories.

Speaking of dreams, guess what? I've been having this dream every single night. In it, I see your ship, The Sweet Voyager, sailing back into Stormalong Harbor. The whole town gathers to welcome you, and everyone's cheering. You step off the ship with that big smile of yours, and it feels so real like I can almost taste the adventure in the air.

The town is buzzing with excitement, and we're all counting the days until we get to see you again. Your letters are like little rays of sunshine in our lives, and I can't wait for the day when the real Waffle steps back onto Stormalong's shores.

Stay sweet and adventurous, Waffle! We're eagerly awaiting your return.

Yours in sugary dreams,


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