Chapter 45: Labor Pains

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Amidst the chaos of childbirth, Flapjack stood by Waffle's side, offering words of encouragement and comfort in his own unique way.

" Waffle, you're doing great," Flapjack said with a reassuring smile. "You're the bravest pirate I know. Just a little more, and we'll get to meet our little buccaneer."

But Waffle, in the throes of labor, summoned her inner warrior spirit and replied with a fierce intensity, "I didn't sign up for a tea party, Flap! I signed up for a battle!"

Flapjack blinked in surprise at her unexpected response, but before he could react, Waffle let out a scream that could rival even the fiercest of warriors. Captain K'nuckles, who had been observing from a safe distance, shook his head and muttered, "It's been nice knowin' ya Flap," before dashing off and slamming the door behind him.

Waffle huffed in annoyance. "Mutiny..." she grumbled under her breath, her determination unwavering despite the chaotic circumstances.

But amidst the chaos and commotion, a tiny cry filled the air, bringing a wave of relief and joy to the Buccaneer family. Flapjack's eyes sparkled with happiness as he held his newborn son, whose eyes resembled his own and whose hair and freckles mirrored Waffle's.

Flapjack looked at Waffle with adoration, his heart overflowing with love for his brave and fierce wife. "Well, what are we going to name him?" he asked, his voice filled with excitement.

Waffle gazed at their precious bundle of joy and smiled. "Taffy," she said, her voice soft and filled with warmth. "Because he's as sweet as candy and just as tough as his mama."

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