Chapter 15: Fanboy Flappy

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Flapjack found himself in the throes of an enthusiastic fanboy moment, his eyes sparkling like sugar crystals as he raved about Waffle's latest letter. The excitement radiated from him like the vibrant glow of a candy-coated carnival.

"Captain K'nuckles! You won't believe what Waffle did this time!" Flapjack exclaimed, practically bursting at the seams with fervor.

Captain K'nuckles, ever the skeptical sea captain, arched an eyebrow and sauntered over to Flapjack, adjusting his hat with a dubious expression. "What's got you so worked up, boy?"

Flapjack thrust Waffle's letter into K'nuckles' hands, the paper almost crinkling under the intensity of his grip. "Read it, Captain! She kicked a gang of candy thieves like a boss! And then, there's this part about her swinging on a rope and –"

K'nuckles interrupted, "Alright, alright, calm down, Flapjack. I'll take a look." He scanned the letter, nodding with a hint of amusement. "Well, ain't that somethin'. Your pen pal sure knows how to stir up a storm in those sugary seas."

Flapjack, unable to contain his excitement, continued to gush about Waffle's daring exploits. "Did you know she even kicked them like a true pirate? Right in the candy treasures!"

K'nuckles chuckled, ruffling Flapjack's hair. "She's quite the adventurer, ain't she? Keep your cool, boy. You don't want to be fanboying so hard you end up in the drink."

But fanboy Flapjack paid little heed to the captain's advice. He was too enamored with Waffle's exploits, already daydreaming about the next misadventure they would embark on together.

And so, with starry eyes and a heart brimming with admiration, Flapjack continued to regale anyone within earshot with tales of Waffle's daring escapades. Captain K'nuckles simply shook his head, amused by the infectious excitement of his young companion and the mischievous spirit that danced between pen pals across the sugary seas.

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