The Letter Two

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My dear Kaity,

In third grade I knew I had a crush on you. But the time grew and at sixth grade I knew I was in love with you...
Why I loved you, there was so many reasons. I try to let you hear them all out but in the end, you can't hear them all...
You might not even be able to remember me and won't even care if you do, but I still love you.
We had all of the same classes since third grade but as time pasted I seemed to vanish from your mind. Piece by piece I was thrown away from your mind but it didn't stop me.
I don't know how it is you completely forgot me and saw everyone else but you did.
I would message you on your set up but you never replied.
I felt completely forgotten but I didn't want to give up on you... Just like you never gave up on me...

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