Balcony Texts

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Ty: Hey sorry it took all day to text you back. :(
Kait: It's fine.
Ty: Sorry, were you sleeping?
Kait: No, I cant sleep... Do you think you could sleep with me...?
Ty: Okay, I'll be there in five. You want to do something else or just sleep? :)
Kait: Uh... Ty, we're seventeen not twenty.
Ty: Ha. I wasn't meaning that. I was talking about like a movie, game or something. If you want?
Kait: A movie.
Ty: What movie?
Kait: I don't know, you choose.
Ty: Okay.
Ty: You still awake?
Kait: Do you really think I could sleep?
Ty: Ha. No. I'm outside on your balcony. That sounds creepy right?
Kait: No. :)
Kait's P.O.V.

I went outside onto my balcony. I felt Ty's arms around me. I closed my eyes against his chest smiling.
"I missed you..." I whispered.
"It's only been a day." He laughed. We walked inside and he set everything on my bed.
"What's the movie?" I asked.
"It's actually not a movie," he laughed. I grabbed the cover. I laughed when I saw it.
"Just what I needed..." I smiled.
"Do you want anything?" Ty asked standing up.
"A hug that last forever and orange juice." I said. He hugged me for a few minutes then went down stairs. He return with a glass of orange juice and set it on the table like last night. He hugged me again and sat on the bed. I had got the disc ready to play and clicked to the first click.
About halfway into the first click, Ty pulled out coloured Twizzlers. I smiled.
"Either we have the same taste or you know me to well," Ty laughed.
"Both." He pulled out a green stick and handed it to me.
"Thanks." I gnawed at the stick throughout the rest of the click and drank half the glass of juice. Apparently, about five clicks in I fell asleep. Ty kissed my forehead as I drifted off.
I woke up in the middle of the night alone in the bed. I looked around seeing my balcony door open. I got up and went outside.
Ty was standing outside leaning his arms on the railing.
"Hey." I said coming up to him.
"Oh hey." He said looking back at me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Yeah?" He said chuckling.
"What's you're real name?" I asked looking at him. I felt him smile.
"Do you really need to know?" I heard his voice fall serious.
He turned around in my arms. Even in the small amount of light from the moon I couldn't see him. I frowned. He laughed.
"It's cute when you frown," Ty laughed. "You get this little mark right here." He said touching in-between my eyebrows. I glared.
"Why won't you tell me your name?" I grabbed his hands. "I'll still love you. No matter what." I said clutching his hands tightly.
"I'll always love you too Kaity. But you have to trust what I'm doing if you love me." Ty whispered in my ear.
"I just want to remember you..."
"Come on," Ty picked me up and laid me on the bed. He put me under the covers and sat next to me. He brushed my hair behind my ear, but I purposely pulled it back. He laughed.
"Good morning Kait." I smiled at his dorky comment.
"It's not morning until I wake up." I followed back.
"Well it's not nighttime anymore." He explained.
"Good night Ty." I said rolling my eyes.
"Good morning Kaity."

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