Additive "Messaging"

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Okay, this kinda has nothing to do with the story but you know how I had you guys vote on which book(s) you would like to see next? Well, I just had a new book idea so please just look at the picture and read the text on there because I'm too lazy to write it all out here. But please comment letting me know if you would like to read that series maybe? But I promise I'll still do Resistance. But please comment and now to the story!!! :D

Dax's P.O.V.

Dax: Hey, are you coming over?
Girlfriend: Can you pretty please change my name to Lily? :)
Dax: Okay. Done.
Lily: Thanks Dax. Yes I am coming over, I'm coming down the street. I'll be over in a few.
Dax: I'll go wait outside.
Lily: Okay. :)

Lily's P.O.V.

I could help but smile and try not to squeal loudly-I said loudly- but I was gonna see Dax after a few days. I missed him so much.
But not as much as Kait probably misses Tiberius... They have been in love for a while now and they care for each other so much it must be hard on the both of them.
I sure wouldn't want-
"Lily..." I heard Dax's voice call me name. I ran over to him quickly. I closed my eyes as he wrapped his arms around me.
"I know, I missed you too." He laughed. I smiled pulling back.
"Do you have the letter?" Dax whispered in case Kait was awake.
"She is upstairs you know." I said pulling out the letter and the track Tiberius gave me.
"I know but we can't have her wake up. If she isn't already." Dax said turning to look up at the balcony door.
"Call me later?" I asked swaying my hips from side to side.
"Of course." Dax said hugging me. He kissed my forehead. "I can't go a day without you." He smiled.
"Farewell Dax." I said stepping backwards.
"Love you Lily." Dac smiled again.
I blew him a kiss and walked off.

Dax's P.O.V.

I better get upstairs before Kait wakes up. But knowing her that won't be until later in the afternoon.

My phone vibrated.
New message.
Dude: Take Kait out wherever you wish or she wishes. Just make her happy. We are almost done with setting up everything thing and then I'll go set everything up in the cabin tonight.
Dax: Okay. I can do.
Dude: Can you stay with Kait until tomorrow evening at seven?
Dax: As instructed.
Dude: Thanks. Bye.

I walked inside clicking the door shut and crept upstairs. I walked in to Kait's room and stuck the letter in my jacket.
Okay so it's now five ten and Kait doesn't get up until around twenty minutes after eleven thirty six... So I have almost five hours of sleep. Let's do this!

???? (Guess, it is easy to tell who it is) P.O.V.

We were getting everything set up when Mya started screaming.
"Tiberius! Oh my gosh! What are you doing here? It looks like you are going to get engaged with someone here! Who is the lucky girl?" I laughed.
"Great acting Mya. Now can you help me with this?" I frowned looking at tracks.
Mya walked over and raised her eyebrows.
"Which song has meaning to the both of you?" She asked looking at them.
"Both. I just don't know which one to pick..." I sighed sitting down at the clothed table in front of us.
"I don't know why I'm doing this." I groaned setting my head on the table. Mya sat down next to me in one of the chairs and laughed.
"You do know why, deep down you do. But if you can't decide on the song-"
"Track." I corrected.
"I don't speak like you guys okay. But if you can't decide on which one to pick, just pick both." Mya said standing up.
"Now boy, do we have a lot of work. So get up and let's get to it. Plus you are messing with the cloth." Mya complained wrinkling her nose.
"Okay." I slowly got up. I blinked a few times to clear my vision.
"How much sleep did you get?" Mya asked putting her hands on her hips.
"Plenty Mya. I'm fine I'm just really stressed." I huffed raking my hair.
"I can't expect you not to be. You're doing a lot for the girl you love. I mean I love my boyfriend and all but hell no. I have to worry about what I wear before I even get up." She rolled her eyes. I laughed.
"There he is!" Mya squealed.
"I've never left." I replied.

All of the tracks, or in Mya's opinion- songs.
I'll post those here shortly but that is all. I'll upload another part really soon I promise. Also, do not forget that I need you to look at the image that is posted for this and I need you to comment and tell me if you guys would like the book series. Thanks. :)

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