Running Alongside A Train

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Kait's P.O.V.

"Just trust a living compass." I said buckling my seatbelt.
"Is that a train?" Dax asked starting the car.
"Is that the sky?" I remarked. He rolled his eyes. He started driving and parked inside a parking lot.
"What are you doing?" I asked following Dax out of the car.
"Hurry up!" He said starting to run. I chased after him.
"Run Green!" He yelled back at me. I caught up to him.
"Why are we running?" I said.
"Almost there!" He yelled running faster towards the train.
I huffed running towards the train myself.
Dax caught the bar grip and flung himself in on of the box carts.
"Are you insane?" I screamed running alongside the train.
"Maybe. Here grab my hand." Dax put out his hand. I grabbed it and jumped inside next to him.
"Why-" I gasped.
"Shh. Be quiet and look." I looked up and watched as the land before us went by.
The eye of the sun hung against the landscape.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" Dax smirked.
"Shh. No talking remember? Just look." I laughed.
"Dax?" I nudged him with my shoulder.
"Usksk- Uhh... What?" He stuttered.
"How's everything?"
"Fine. I actually just met a girl, I guess now my girlfriend." He shrugged. "You?"
"Nothing, I've just been sleeping with Tiberius." I shrugged too. I looked over at Dax getting a horrified look.
"Damn, I know I'm sexy and it's hard to get over this," he waved his hand up and down in front of his body. "But I didn't think you would just go and sleep with someone! Especially when you have a boyfriend!"
"Tiberius is my boyfriend. And not like that you pervert. He has just been staying over the night like how you did." I rolled my eyes.
"Ohhhhhhhhhh...." He frowned confused. I shook my head.
"Never mind. So who is the girl?"

Dax's P.O.V.

"She has blonde hair, green eyes. She is a lot shorter than me, our age. Nice, funny, smart. She's amazing." I smiled at the thought of her.
"Sounds like you love her." Kait said nudging me.
"Maybe, but I don't think she's ready to hear that..." I frowned.
"Do you have her number?" Kait asked eyeing me.
"Yeah but-"
"Give me your phone." She said holding out her hand.
"I want to tell her myself. In person." I looked over at her.
"You know how it is..." I said looking back at the land in front of us.
"Yeah." She whispered. "I do."
I looked at her seeing her smile.
My pocket vibrated.

Dude: Can you take her home, please?
Dax: I'm supposed to look after her this whole time. That means taking her home is one of the jobs.
Dude: Thanks Dax.
Dax: Yup.
I stuck my phone back in my pocket. It vibrated again.

Girlfriend: Hey Dax. :)
Dax: Hey, can I text you later. I'm sorry but I have to watch my friend.
Girlfriend: Okay. Promise you'll text later? :)
Dax: I promise.
Girlfriend: Okay. Bye bye! :)
Dax: Bye. :)
I stuck my phone back in my pocket again. I stood up and walked back over to Kait.
"We should get going." I said holding out my hand. Kait stood up.
"Okay," she said jumping out of the moving train.
"Dammit." I huffed following her.
I heard Kait laughing as I landed.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing," she said standing up. She brushed off her pants.
"Whatever. Are you hurt?" I demanded.
"Nope. Are you okay?" I nodded.
"Come on Big Baby." Kait said starting to walk before she quickly fell down.
"Are you okay Kait?" I said running over to her.
"I think I springed my ankle." She said rubbing it gently.
"Here, get on." I said squatting down next to her. She got on and I carried her the rest of the way to the car.
"Dax?" Kait said as I sat her in the car.
"Thanks." She said buckling her seatbelt.
"It's my job." I said turning on the car. I turned my head and winked.
"Weirdo. Just take me home."
"Hurry up Kaity!" Ty said running next to the moving train.
"Why are you trying to get on?" I screamed.
"Just take my hand and get on." Tiberius stuck out his and and I took it.
"We're here." I undid my seatbelt and went over to pick up Kait.
I carried her inside and set her on her bed.
"Uh-" I started.
"Get me ice and a wrap and two ibuprofen." Kait rolled her eyes.
"Okay. Bathroom?" I pointed. She nodded.
I walked into the bathroom and racked through the supplies. I grabbed the wrap and ibuprofen and went downstairs. I put ice in a bag and got a glass of water.
"Here," I said handing her the ibuprofen and water. I wrapped all around her ankle. I applied the ice bag ontop of the wrap.
"Better?" I asked sitting on the bed next to her.
"Better." I pulled out my phone.
"I'll be right back." I said getting up to walk down the hall.

Dax: Kait springed her ankle.
Dude: Is she okay?
Dax: She is fine. She is at her house.
Dude: Are you still with her?
Dax: As instructed.
Dude: Okay thanks. Watch her please.
Dax: I know. I know.
I switched to my girlfriend's messages.

Dax: Hey.
Girlfriend: You are back? :)
Dax: For a little. Can we call?
Girlfriend: Later, sorry. But I know you are busy.
Dax: Wait- You are helping too?
Girlfriend: :)
Dax: I am so confused. O.O
Girlfriend: Go watch her Dax. We can call later. :)
Dax: Okay. Bye, girlfriend.
Girlfriend: Bye boyfriend. :)

I walked back into Kait's room.
"Okay. I'm back. What now?" I asked standing at her desk.
"I am going to sleep. Night Dax." Kait said pulling the blankets up above her head.
I laughed shaking my head.
"Okay." I sat down in her desk chair and waited until she fell asleep.
Dax: Can we can NOW?
Girlfriend: Okay. :)
"Hey, I just need to talk to you." I said.
"What about?" She laughed.
Damn she is so beautiful.
"I don't know if you want to hear this or feel the same way and I was going to tell you in person but I can't wait any longer." I said walking out onto Kait's balcony. I shut the door.
"What do you need to say?"
"I think I love you." I whispered.
"Well, I would prefer in person... But I love you too Dax." She giggled.
"That's all I needed to say."
"That is all I wanted to hear. Plus I missed your voice."
"It's only been three days." I laughed.
"I still miss you." She huffed.
"I guess I should go, incase she wakes up in the night. Get some sleep, I love you. Night."
"Love you too Dax." She said then hung up.
I hung up and walked inside.
She said she loves me...

Hey guys, I just wanted to make sure you guys understood the flashback.
» means later in that day.
* means a call is being placed.
§ means switching the P.O.V. means switching the person.
That's is all. Bye now.

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