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[REDACTED] shifted slightly as he leaned against his friend, Rowan who was on his phone, watching TikTok. "Oh wait, watch that Finn Wolfhard one, I like that guy." [REDACTED] said as he swiped up to look at the Finn Wolfhard edit that showed up on Rowan's FYP.

"God you're so gay, he's a celebrity dude." Rowan groaned, even though he was the one with a boyfriend. "Yeah I know, but I'm allowed to admire and fangirl over him." [REDACTED] said with a small huff as he leaned more against Rowan, yawning softly. "Are you tired?" Rowan asked, making [REDACTED] nod.

"Go to bed, I'll put on a video of your little husband that doesn't even know you exist." Rowan said sarcastically, making [REDACTED] lay down on the comfortable bed, and Rowan turned on the TV, looking up Finn Wolfhard on YouTube, and clicking the first option. "Hey, you know what I should do." [REDACTED] said with a soft snicker. "What? What should you do? What amazing idea do you have this time?" Rowan asked with a small huff. "I should DM him something stupid on insta." [REDACTED] said.

"Are you serious? He probably has, like, a million people trying to DM him already." Rowan said as he huffed softly, and [REDACTED] snickered again as he grabbed at his phone, pulling it off the charger, typing in the password and going to Instagram. "What are you gonna DM him anyways?" He questioned as he stared at [REDACTED] curiously. "I dunno.. I'll ask him if he's a secret alien dog-frog in disguise." He replied with a shrug. "You're such an idiot." Rowan said in response, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Yeah yeah, whatever dude, like you could come up with something better." [REDACTED] said as he typed out the DM. "What even is a dog-frog..?" Rowan mumbled to himself as he began to think.

[REDACTED]💫(@[USERNAME]): "hey, are u secretly a alien dog frog in disguise?

"Okay! Sent! Even though he'll probably never see it, it's still funny." [REDACTED] stated as he laughed softly and turned off his phone, plugging it back in, Rowan shaking his head. "Alright, whatever. I'm going to his room, goodnight you dumbass." Rowan said as he slid off the bed, standing up as [REDACTED] turned to face him leaving. "Okayyy, g'night, have a good rest, okay?" He said and Rowan nodded, opening the bedroom door and leaving, shutting it behind him.

"He forgot to turn off the light on his way out." [REDACTED] grumbled as he stood up from his very comfortable spot, just to turn the light off.

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